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why do std::sort and partial_sort require random-access iterators?

I was wondering why does the c++ standard require that std::sort should only take random-access iterators? I don't see the advantage, since both std::sort and std::list::sort have a complexity of N*log(N). Restricting std::sort to random-access iterators (RAI) seems to have made it necessary to write a separate function for lists with the same complexity.

The same applies to partial_sort, where the non-RAI counter-part for list is simply missing to this day.

Is this design because people used variants of quick_sort to implement std::sort historically?

If there is advantage for writing sort algorithms on RAI containers, would it better to make std::sort more general, and let RAI containers like std::vector provide specialized v.sort?

like image 451
thor Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 04:07


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What are random access iterators?

Random-access iterators are iterators that can be used to access elements at an arbitrary offset position relative to the element they point to, offering the same functionality as pointers. Random-access iterators are the most complete iterators in terms of functionality.

What method does std::sort use?

The std::sort is a sorting function that uses the Introsort algorithm and have the complexity of O(N log(N)) where N= std::distance(first, last) since C++11 and the order of equal elements is not guaranteed to be preserved[3]. The gcc-libstdc++ also uses Introsort algorithm.

Is STL sort stable?

stable_sort() in C++ STL. stable_sort() is used to sort the elements in the range [first, last) in ascending order. It is like std::sort, but stable_sort() keeps the relative order of elements with equivalent values.

How do you sort a vector without sorting?

The vector can use the array notation to access the elements. If you don't want to use the default std::sort , or std::sort with custom comparator, you can use qsort or write your own.

1 Answers

O(N*log(N)) complexity doesn't imply that the container is iterated in order, nor that the changes to it are only made in scan order. To use sequential iterators would come at a O(N) memory cost to store all of those iterators.

like image 73
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 06:10

Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica