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Why do all my MacVim color schemes look wrong?




I am having a problem with my MacVim color schemes. I have 'syntax on' in my .vimrc and I work mostly with Python.

As an example, I have attached a screenshot of what the "default" color scheme looks like in MacVim to me. I am having this problem with varying degrees of color differences for all the different schemes. Whenever I find a scheme I like online, it never looks like it does in the screenshot.

Any ideas on what the problem is?


like image 595
kamek Avatar asked Feb 14 '12 22:02


People also ask

How do I change the color scheme in Vimrc?

You can change color schemes at anytime in vi by typing colorscheme followed by a space and the name of the color scheme. For more color schemes, you can browse this library on the vim website. You can enable or disable colors by simply typing "syntax on" or "syntax off" in vi.

What are the default vim color schemes?

If you are on a light terminal, the default is peachpuff . If you are on a dark terminal, the default is ron . You can tell which you have by typing :set background? . (Vim guesses whether your terminal has a dark or light background based on the value of the TERM environment variable.)

Where do vim color schemes go?

View preinstalled color schemes Some color schemes are already installed on your system. You can find those color schemes in the /usr/share/vim/vim*/colors directory as . vim extension.

How do I change the default color scheme in Gvim?

You can set your preferred color scheme in gvim for MS Windows by editing the file _vimrc in C:\Program Files\Vim or the location where you installed Vim. Save the file and start gvim you will see your color scheme.

1 Answers

Many themes provide modes for both dark background colors and light background colors. If you'd like to keep using this theme, try running:

:set background=light

Most of the themes I've seen were designed with a dark background and lighter text in mind -- I personally find a mostly-black screen easier on my eyes than a mostly-white screen -- so perhaps you just need to change the background color to something dark. In which case, you'd then want to run:

:set background=dark
like image 68
sarnold Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
