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Why can't I drag execution point in IntelliJ (I can in Visual Studio)

In Visual Studio, when debugging, one can drag the execution point (current instruction pointer, yellow dot) to another place in the current method.

This is impossible in IntelliJ, and some have stated it's generally impossible in Java. Why?

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ripper234 Avatar asked Jun 21 '09 07:06


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1 Answers

IntelliJ interacts with a running JVM through the standard Java debugging interface, so it can debug programs' against different JDKs. This does not support moving the execution point around as you describe.

It does let you wind the call stack back and perform a method call again. In IntelliJ, use the threads window to select a stack frame of a suspended thread and wind back to it. Then continue the thread to re-call the method at that point in the program.

Note: this will not roll back the state of the objects, so strange effects may occur.

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Nat Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10
