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How to compare null value from the JsonObject in java

stackoverflow member i need some help from you.

I am having a JsonObject given below

{ "Id": null, "Name": "New Task", "StartDate": "2010-03-05T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2010-03-06T00:00:00", "Duration": 1, "DurationUnit": "d", "PercentDone": 60, "ManuallyScheduled": false, "Priority": 1, "parentId": null, "index": 2, "depth": 1, "checked": null } 

i am getting parentId as null. I want to replace the parentId value from null to 0.

I am trying to do it with below mentioned code

if(jsonObject.get("parentId") == null || jsonObject.get("parentId") == "")     {         System.out.println("inside null");         jsonObject.put("parentId", 0);     }     else     {         System.out.println("inside else part");         //jsonObject.put("parentId", jsonObject.getInt("parentId"));         jsonObject.put("parentId", 0);     } 

but it seems not to be working. What I am doing wrong here.

like image 761
yaryan997 Avatar asked Jan 10 '12 11:01


People also ask

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JsonObject::isNull() returns a bool that tells if the JsonObject points to something: true if the JsonObject is null, false if the JsonObject is valid and points to an object.

How do you compare null in Java?

Use "==" to check a variable's value. A "==" is used to check that the two values on either side are equal. If you set a variable to null with "=" then checking that the variable is equal to null would return true. variableName == null; You can also use "!=

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We can simply compare the string with Null using == relational operator. Print true if the above condition is true.

2 Answers

Use the following method of JsonObject to check if a value against any key is null

public boolean isNull(java.lang.String key) 

This method is used to check Null against any key or if there is no value for the key.

check this in the documentation

Your Modified code should be like this

if(jsonObject.isNull("parentId"))     {         System.out.println("inside null");         jsonObject.put("parentId", 0);     }     else     {         System.out.println("inside else part");         //jsonObject.put("parentId", jsonObject.getInt("parentId"));         jsonObject.put("parentId", 0);     } 
like image 76
Rajesh Pantula Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Rajesh Pantula

if(jsonObject.isNull("parentId")){     jsonObject.put("parentId", 0); } 
like image 21
Farmor Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
