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Why and when JAXBElement is required in JAXB?

I am just learning JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding). Reading through a few sources , one doubt has come in my mind regarding JAXBElement.

Oracle docs say:

When XML element information can not be inferred by the derived Java representation of the XML content, a JAXBElement object is provided. This object has methods for getting and setting the object name and object value. Link here

Does it mean that JAXBElement needs to be used when there is not a direct mapping between Schema defined datatype and Java data type?

Further, In one of the code examples listed under. which i followed from here :

 ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();

    UserT user = factory.createUserT();
    ItemT item = factory.createItemT();
    item.setItemName("Seagate External HDD");
    item.setPurchasedOn("August 24, 2010");
    item.setAmount(new BigDecimal("6776.5"));

    ItemListT itemList = factory.createItemListT();

    ExpenseT expense = factory.createExpenseT();// we get expense object here

    JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance("generated");
    JAXBElement<ExpenseT> element = factory.createExpenseReport(expense);//why is this required
    Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();

Using ExpenseT expense = factory.createExpenseT(); we are able to get ExpenseT object.

Again in the code if we see ,we create

JAXBElement<ExpenseT> element = factory.createExpenseReport(expense);
which according to this source is a wrapper for expense object.
On the other hand we don't create wrappers for the objects retrieved using
UserT user = factory.createUserT();

So my questions are :

  1. What is the need of JAXBElement wrapper around expense ?
  2. when to use JAXBElement ?
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Aman Arora Avatar asked Dec 05 '13 09:12

Aman Arora

People also ask

What is QName in JAXBElement?

QName getName() This method returns the xml element tag name. 3. Class getScope() This method returns scope of xml element declaration.

How does JAXBElement set value?

You can do the following: JAXBElement<String> jaxbElement = new JAXBElement(new QName("http://mycompany/services", "amount"), String. class, "Hello World"); There should also be a create method on the generated ObjectFactory class that will create this instance of JAXBElement with the appropriate info for you.

How do I get data from JAXBElement?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. If getProject() returns the type JAXBElement<String> then getName() returns the name of the XML tag. To get the value of that element you need to call getValue() .

How does JAXB marshalling work?

In JAXB, marshalling involves parsing an XML content object tree and writing out an XML document that is an accurate representation of the original XML document, and is valid with respect the source schema. JAXB can marshal XML data to XML documents, SAX content handlers, and DOM nodes.

1 Answers

There are a few use cases where a JAXBElement is required:

  1. An element is both nillable="true" and minOccurs="0". In this case what does null on the mapped field/property mean? When the property is JAXBElement a null value means the element isn't present and a JAXBElement wrapping null means an XML element with xsi:nil="true".
  2. There are 2 global elements with the same named complex type. Since in JAXB classes correspond to complex types a way is needed to capture which root element was encountered. For more details see this article I wrote.
  3. There is a choice structure where either foo or bar elements can occur and they are the same type. Here a JAXBElement is required because simply encountering a String value isn't enough to indicate which element should be marshalled.
  4. An element with xsi:nil is encountered in the document that contains attributes. In this example the object corresponding to that element can still be unmarshalled to hold the attribute values, but JAXBElement can stil indicate that the element was null.
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bdoughan Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11
