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White background flashing when switching screens - React-Navigation v5

I'm migrating a RN project version 4 to 5.

When switching screens there was an issue with a white background flashing in. In v4 this was solved by setting cardStyle: { backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor } in the StackNavigation options.

However in v5 I'm unable to fix it with the same approach:

<Stack.Navigator cardStyle={{ backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor }} ...>

White flash has come back. Any idea how to fix it? Thanks.

Update: The structure of the navigation may be important:

const AppTabNavigator = () => (   <Tab.Navigator>     <Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />     <Stack.Screen name="ScreenD" component={ScreenD} />     <Stack.Screen name="ScreenE" component={ScreenE} />     <Stack.Screen name="ScreenF" component={ScreenF} />   </Tab.Navigator> ) ...   <Stack.Navigator     ...     cardStyle={{ backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor }}   >     <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={AppTabNavigator} />     <Stack.Screen name="ScreenA" component={ScreenA} />     <Stack.Screen name="ScreenB" component={ScreenB} />     <Stack.Screen name="ScreenC" component={ScreenC} />   </Stack.Navigator> 

Going from ScreenD to ScreenE does the flashing issue. I'm not sure about the other screens as they don't make any network request / async stuff.

like image 575
haxpanel Avatar asked Jan 24 '20 17:01


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2 Answers

I faced the same issue and dived into an investigation. It seems that the detachment of the screens causes it. I found a few approaches. You can choose one according to your needs. They are the following:

  1. You can specify a view wrapper of the navigator with the same background color as the screens one like:

    <View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#YOUR_SCREEN_COLOR' }}>   // It could be your NavigationContainer or your StackNavigator depends on your goals    <Navigator />  </View> 
  2. You can also specify your screen mode to be modal in the stack view config this prevents the screens from being detached like:

    <StackNavigator.Navigator mode="modal">   {/*.... Your stack screens ... */} </StackNavigator.Navigator> 
  3. You can add your custom overlay in screenOptions by using the cardOverlay prop:

    cardOverlay: () => (   <View     style={{     flex: 1,     backgroundColor: '#YOUR_COLOR',   }} />) 

    Reference: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/stack-navigator/#cardoverlay

  4. You can use the cardStyleInterpolator:

    This allows you to customize the animation transitions when navigating from screen to screen.

    Here are the snippets from the original documentation:

    const forFade = ({ current, closing }) => ({   cardStyle: {     opacity: current.progress,   }, }); 
    <Stack.Screen   name="Profile"   component={Profile}   options={{ cardStyleInterpolator: forFade }} /> 

    Stack Navigator exposes various options to configure the transition animation when a screen is added or removed.

    Reference: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/stack-navigator/#animation-related-options

like image 161
nikolay.hristov Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09


Fixed it by using the DarkTheme for the Navigation Container

import { NavigationContainer, DarkTheme } from '@react-navigation/native';  return (     <NavigationContainer theme={DarkTheme}>        {children}     </NavigationContainer>  
like image 34
Michael Pomogajko Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Michael Pomogajko