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show 2 items per row[react native]

I am learning react native and in all the tutorials i see ListView has been used with only 1 items per row. I have not used ListView, though. I have only 6 items that has to be shown as flat grid with 2 items per row and should be responsive. I know its a basic question, but i have tried from my side too which can be seen in the image

enter image description here

This is my code

 renderDeviceEventList() {     return _.map(this.props.deviceEventOptions, deviceEventOption => (         <View key={deviceEventOption.id}>             <Icon                 name={deviceEventOption.icon_name}                 color="#ddd"                 size={30}                 onPress={() =>                     this.props.selectDeviceEvent(deviceEventOption)                 }             />             <Text style={{ color: "#ff4c4c" }}>                 {deviceEventOption.icon_name}             </Text>         </View>     )); } render() {     return (         <View             style={{                 flex: 1,                 top: 60,                 flexDirection: "row",                 justifyContent: "space-around",                 flexWrap: "wrap",                 marginBottom: 10             }}         >             {this.renderDeviceEventList()}         </View>     ); } 
like image 340
Serenity Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 08:11


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2 Answers

The correct way to do it would be with flexBasis, with a value set to (1/n)% where n is the desired # of rows > 0. For two rows:

.parent {     flex: 1;     flexWrap: 'wrap';     flexDirecton: 'row'; } .child {     flexBasis: '50%'; } 
like image 83
nikk wong Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

nikk wong

You can try the flat list from react native. where in you can specific the number of columns and also can mention the vertical direction or horizontal direction. Sample code:

<FlatList data={this.props.data} keyExtractor={this._keyExtractor}     //has to be unique    renderItem={this._renderItem} //method to render the data in the way you want using styling u need horizontal={false} numColumns={2}           /> 

Refer https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/flatlist.html for more.

like image 37
Thanmai C Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Thanmai C