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How do I ensure saved click coordinates can be reloaed to the same place, even if the page layout changed?



I'm storing click coordinates in my db and then reloading them later and showing them on the site where the click happened, how do I make sure it loads in the same place?

Storing the click coordinates is obviously the simple step, but once I have them if the user comes back and their window is smaller or larger the coordinates are wrong. Am I going about this in the wrong way, should I also store an element id/dom reference or something of that nature.

Also, this script will be run over many different websites with more than one layout. Is there a way to do this where the layout is independent of how the coordinates are stored?

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Tomas Avatar asked Apr 13 '10 17:04


2 Answers

Yeah, there are many, many ways a page's layout can alter between loads. Different window sizes, different font sizes, different font availability, different browser/settings (even a small change in layout or font preference can throw out the wrapping). Storing page-relative co-ordinates is unlikely to be that useful unless your page is almost entirely fixed-size images.

You could try looking up the ancestors of the clicked element to find the nearest easily-identifiable one, then make a plot from that element down to the element you want based on which child number it is.

Example using simple XPath syntax:

document.onclick= function(event) {     if (event===undefined) event= window.event;                     // IE hack     var target= 'target' in event? event.target : event.srcElement; // another IE hack      var root= document.compatMode==='CSS1Compat'? document.documentElement : document.body;     var mxy= [event.clientX+root.scrollLeft, event.clientY+root.scrollTop];      var path= getPathTo(target);     var txy= getPageXY(target);     alert('Clicked element '+path+' offset '+(mxy[0]-txy[0])+', '+(mxy[1]-txy[1])); }  function getPathTo(element) {     if (element.id!=='')         return 'id("'+element.id+'")';     if (element===document.body)         return element.tagName;      var ix= 0;     var siblings= element.parentNode.childNodes;     for (var i= 0; i<siblings.length; i++) {         var sibling= siblings[i];         if (sibling===element)             return getPathTo(element.parentNode)+'/'+element.tagName+'['+(ix+1)+']';         if (sibling.nodeType===1 && sibling.tagName===element.tagName)             ix++;     } }  function getPageXY(element) {     var x= 0, y= 0;     while (element) {         x+= element.offsetLeft;         y+= element.offsetTop;         element= element.offsetParent;     }     return [x, y]; } 

You can see it in action using this JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/luisperezphd/L8pXL/

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bobince Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09


I prefer not using the id selector and just going recursive.

function getPathTo(element) {     if (element.tagName == 'HTML')         return '/HTML[1]';     if (element===document.body)         return '/HTML[1]/BODY[1]';      var ix= 0;     var siblings= element.parentNode.childNodes;     for (var i= 0; i<siblings.length; i++) {         var sibling= siblings[i];         if (sibling===element)             return getPathTo(element.parentNode)+'/'+element.tagName+'['+(ix+1)+']';         if (sibling.nodeType===1 && sibling.tagName===element.tagName)             ix++;     } } 
like image 24
Scott Izu Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09

Scott Izu