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How to find what is causing a preventDefault which overrides normal click behavior



I've inherited some large piece of code. Somewhere inside a way too generalised e.preventDefault() is prohibiting the normal behavior of an anchor click.

I thought about running profiler in Chrome webtools to see what is happening when clicking on a particular link, hoping to trace it back to the culprit statement. However I haven't had much luck

how can I trace back (if possible) a statement that is overriding normal click behavior, when clicking a link in Chrome webtools? (I am using jQuery)

like image 916
Marco Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 09:12


People also ask

How do I stop preventDefault?

Use the stopPropagation() method to handle this.

Which of the following option is used to prevent default behaviour of an event?

preventDefault() This method stops the event if it is stopable, meaning that the default action that belongs to the event will not occur. It just prevent the default browser behaviour.

What is the opposite of event preventDefault ()?

There is no opposite method of event. preventDefault() to understand why you first have to look into what event. preventDefault() does when you call it. Underneath the hood, the functionality for preventDefault is essentially calling a return false which halts any further execution.

2 Answers

You should be able to override Event.prototype.preventDefault and add a debugger statement as its first line.

Run the following via the console.

var oldEPD = Event.prototype.preventDefault; Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {     debugger;     oldEPD.call(this); }; 
like image 106
techfoobar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


Based on techfoobar answer, here's modern and more advanced version that is quite useful to debug event-related problems. Note it expects you to be using a modern env JS like Webpack/Babel but you can certainly make the same work with older JS syntax.

It's basically the same except the log message is more user-friendly. I try to compute a "meaningful selector" that will help you debug the problem:

click.stopPropagation() on section#nav-bar > a.Tappable-inactive.group-link.nav-bar-item.my-main-team > div.nav-bar-item-content > svg

// Logs all calls to preventDefault / stopPropagation in an user-friendly way if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ) {   (function monkeyPatchEventMethods() {      const logEventMethodCall = (event,methodName) => {       const MinimumMeaninfulSelectors = 3; // how much meaningful items we want in log message       const target = event.target;        const selector = (function computeSelector() {         const parentSelectors = [];         let node = target;         let minimumSelectors = 0;         do {           const meaningfulSelector = node.id ?             `#${node.id}` : node.classList.length > 0 ?               `.${Array.prototype.join.call(node.classList, '.')}` : undefined;           if ( meaningfulSelector ) minimumSelectors++;           const nodeSelector = `${node.tagName.toLowerCase()}${meaningfulSelector ? meaningfulSelector : ''}`;           parentSelectors.unshift(nodeSelector);           node = node.parentNode;         } while (node && node !== document && minimumSelectors < MinimumMeaninfulSelectors);         return parentSelectors.join(" > ");       })();        console.debug(`${event.type}.${methodName}() on ${selector}`,event);     };      const preventDefault = Event.prototype.preventDefault;     Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {       logEventMethodCall(this,'preventDefault');       preventDefault.call(this);     };      const stopPropagation = Event.prototype.stopPropagation;     Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {       logEventMethodCall(this,'stopPropagation');       stopPropagation.call(this);     };    })(); } 


like image 38
Sebastien Lorber Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Sebastien Lorber