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2 column layout with flexBox on React Native

I'm trying to do a two column layout in React Native from a list of items. It only seems to work if I define the width of the items, I would like to define just a percentage of the parent width (0.5 would make a 2 column layout, but 0.25 would make a 4 column one). Can this be done?

export default class App extends Component {   render() {     return (       <View style={[styles.container, {width:width}]}>         <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item1'}</Text></View>         <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item2'}</Text></View>         <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item3'}</Text></View>         <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item4'}</Text></View>         <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item4'}</Text></View>         <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item5'}</Text></View>       </View>     );   } }  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     flexDirection: 'row',     flexWrap: 'wrap',   },   item :{     flex: 0.5, //why this doesnt work???     // width: 150, //using fixed item width instead of flex: 0.5 works     height: 100,     padding: 10,     backgroundColor: 'red',     // flexGrow: 1,     // flexShrink: 0,   } }); 

You can play with it here: https://snack.expo.io/SyBjQuRxm

Css working equivalent: https://codepen.io/klamping/pen/WvvgBX?editors=110

Obviously I could do something like creating a container for each column, but that's not the point:

render() {     return (       <View style={[styles.container, {width:width}]}>         <View style={styles.column1}>              <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item1'}</Text></View>              <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item2'}</Text></View>              <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item3'}</Text></View>         </View>         <View style={styles.column2}>              <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item4'}</Text></View>              <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item4'}</Text></View>              <View style={styles.item}><Text>{'item5'}</Text></View>         </View>       </View>     );   } 
like image 445
Xavi A. Avatar asked Jun 13 '18 10:06

Xavi A.

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How do I make two column layouts with flexbox?

Approach: To create a two-column layout, first we create a <div> element with property display: flex, it makes that a div flexbox and then add flex-direction: row, to make the layout column-wise. Then add the required div inside the above div with require width and they all will come as columns.

Does flexbox work in React Native?

Flexbox is designed to provide a consistent layout on different screen sizes. You will normally use a combination of flexDirection , alignItems , and justifyContent to achieve the right layout. Flexbox works the same way in React Native as it does in CSS on the web, with a few exceptions.

How do you make a two column layout in react?

To add a 2 column layout with flexbox on React Native, we can set flexDirection to 'row' and flexWrap to 'wrap' . to set flexDirection and flexWrap so we get a horizontal flex layout and we wrap overflowing components to the next row. Then we set each View 's width to 50% so that they take half the width of the screen.

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So, in react-native you can just flex:1 for parent, and set width:'100%' for child, and it will auto divided by two. Save this answer.

1 Answers

It is possible if you use percentage values for the widths:

<View style={styles.container}>   <View style={styles.item}>     ...   </View> </View>  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     flexDirection: 'row',     flexWrap: 'wrap',     alignItems: 'flex-start' // if you want to fill rows left to right   },   item: {     width: '50%' // is 50% of container width   } }) 
like image 127
dentemm Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09
