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Which X-UA-Compatible mode should I be using?




I have been reading around the subject of using document compatibility meta tag to web pages.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8">

I am a little confused which content value is appropriate/the consensus to use for a xhtml transitional doctype, and then progressively to HTML5 doctype.

We are still supporting IE6, IE7 so would IE=EmulateIE8 be the most suitable.

Can anyone help???

like image 874
NiseNise Avatar asked Jul 14 '11 11:07


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Does X UA need compatible?

X-UA-Compatible is a document mode meta tag that allows web authors to choose what version of Internet Explorer the page should be rendered as. It is used by Internet Explorer 8 to specify whether a page should be rendered as IE 7 (compatibility view) or IE 8 (standards view).

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2 Answers

What Rob said. Supporting various IEs has nothing to do with compat mode. The X-UA-Compatible header simply makes the IE the site is viewed on to use the latest, most modern layout engine that it has if you set content="IE=edge" IE9 has all IE 8, IE 7, IE 6, and quirks mode supported. IE10 will be supporting IE9 and below as respective engines to render on. So, if you set content="IE=6" it means that particular IE is supposed to use IE 6 engine to render the site - which completely defeats the purpose of using a modern browser.

In HTML5 Boilerplate, we also add chrome=1 so if Chrome Frame is installed, that site will take advantage of that and render the site like it is rendering on Chrome.

like image 86
Divya Manian Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10

Divya Manian

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">  

is the one you want to use but, so early this morning, I can't recall the reasoning, but it's the one we use everywhere.

With all the various forms of this and combinations of versions of IE, I believe there are something in the hundreds of varieties of coding for IE. Ain't life grand?

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Rob Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
