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Need help to display an icon image in a command button

Just a basic need but cannot get it to work. I would like to have a primefaces button to display my image, without any text.

But what i get is a button that contains only a ^ character and does NOT displaying the image, which only has a size of 16x16.

So, this is the primefaces button :

<p:commandButton image="ui-icon-csv" title="CSV Document" ajax="false">
    <p:dataExporter type="csv" target="gridRPBDetails" 
        fileName="#{tInputBean.exportFilename}" />

This is the css file :

.ui-icon-csv {
    background-image: url(images/csv_small.png);

And this is the generated html for the button :

<button type="submit" onclick=";" 
    name="gridRPBDetails:j_idt82" id="gridRPBDetails:j_idt82" 
    class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-icon-primary" 
    role="button" aria-disabled="false">
        <span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-csv"></span><span class="ui-button-text">CSV Document</span>

And to prove the image accessible, i try this URL, and indeed it shows the picture :


Im using tomcat 7, and these are my dependencies :


Any ideas what went wrong ?

Thank you !

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Albert Gan Avatar asked May 11 '11 05:05

Albert Gan

4 Answers

After some investigation using firebug, i found out that the culprit is from the CSS stuff i defined.

So these are the changes i made to make this work.

The JSF button :

<p:commandButton image="ui-icon-xls" title="Excel Document" ajax="false">
    <p:dataExporter type="xls" target="gridRPBDetails" 
        fileName="#{tInputBean.exportFilename}" />

The CSS :

.ui-state-default .ui-icon-xls {
    background-image: url(images/excel_small.png);

And here is the generated html :

<button type="submit" title="Excel Document" onclick=";" 
  name="gridRPBDetails:j_idt81" id="gridRPBDetails:j_idt81" 
  class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only" 
  role="button" aria-disabled="false">
    <span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-xls"></span>
    <span class="ui-button-text">ui-button</span>

Thank you !

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Albert Gan Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11

Albert Gan

write ui-widget before the icon class name

.ui-widget .ui-icon-xls {
    background-image: url(images/excel_small.png);

the .ui-state-default will not make it visible in other components like <p:menuitem/> and <p:menuButton/>

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Talaat Safwat Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11

Talaat Safwat

Primefaces provide the graphicImage as shown in their showcase-labs (broken link):

<p:commandLink ajax="false">  
    <p:graphicImage value="/images/excel.png" />  
    <p:dataExporter type="xls" target="tbl" fileName="cars" />  

It can be useful in someway to someone.

* For PrimeFaces 5.2, follow to this showcase-labs link. Note that, in that case, the above code wouldn't work.

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falsarella Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 22:11


When commandButton is used, is important that the png file size be 16 x 16, because a bigger image might no be displayed correctly, or not displayed at all.

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user2351270 Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 22:11
