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Is there a name for this type of popular footer?

Screenshot of a footer:


I'm unsure if there is a particular name for that kind of footer or if it's a widget for a certain framework. That particular example was taken from buffalonews.com

After I know the name I can refine my searching for implementing it. Thank you for your input.

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Scott Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 15:01


People also ask

What is the example of footer?

Some examples include Calendar, Archives, Categories, Recent Posts, Recent Comments… and the list continues. Below is an example of footer with widgets included: Description.

What is the footer of a website called?

The website footer is the section of content at the very bottom of a web page. It typically contains a copyright notice, link to a privacy policy, sitemap, logo, contact information, social media icons, and an email sign-up form. In short, a footer contains information that improves a website's overall usability.

What are footers in design?

Definition: A website's footer is an area located at the bottom of every page on a website, below the main body content. The term “footer” comes from the print world, in which the “footer” is a consistent design element that is seen across all pages of a document.

1 Answers

I believe the name you're looking for is a Site Map Footer. This is common now-a-days to display the contents of the site to the user while also offering crawlers direct links to content pages.

The key here is to display pages that are relevant/important to the user without inundating them so many links they can't figure out where to go.

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Brad Christie Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Brad Christie