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Which functions in the C standard library commonly encourage bad practice? [closed]

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What are the most common C standard library functions to manipulate strings?

In this lesson, we studied different functions that can be used to manipulate strings in C programming languages. The most commonly used functions are strlen(), strcmp() and strcpy().

What are the functions of standard library?

C Standard library functions or simply C Library functions are inbuilt functions in C programming. The prototype and data definitions of these functions are present in their respective header files. To use these functions we need to include the header file in our program.

Why we Cannot use C standard library function in kernel module?

Because the GNU C Library which you are familiar with is implemented for user mode, not kernel mode. The kernel cannot access a userspace API (which might invoke a syscall to the Linux kernel).

What C standard library functions are used inappropriately/in ways that may cause/lead to security problems/code defects/inefficiencies ?

I'm gonna go with the obvious :

char *gets(char *s);

With its remarkable particularity that it's simply impossible to use it appropriately.

A common pitfall with the strtok() function is to assume that the parsed string is left unchanged, while it actually replaces the separator character with '\0'.

Also, strtok() is used by making subsequent calls to it, until the entire string is tokenized. Some library implementations store strtok()'s internal status in a global variable, which may induce some nasty suprises, if strtok() is called from multiple threads at the same time.

The CERT C Secure Coding Standard lists many of these pitfalls you asked about.

In almost all cases, atoi() should not be used (this also applies to atof(), atol() and atoll()).

This is because these functions do not detect out-of-range errors at all - the standard simply says "If the value of the result cannot be represented, the behavior is undefined.". So the only time they can be safely used is if you can prove that the input will certainly be within range (for example, if you pass a string of length 4 or less to atoi(), it cannot be out of range).

Instead, use one of the strtol() family of functions.

Let us extend the question to interfaces in a broader sense.


technically it is not even clear what it is, a variable, a macro, an implicit function call? In practice on modern systems it is mostly a macro that transforms into a function call to have a thread specific error state. It is evil:

  • because it may cause overhead for the caller to access the value, to check the "error" (which might just be an exceptional event)
  • because it even imposes at some places that the caller clears this "variable" before making a library call
  • because it implements a simple error return by setting a global state, of the library.

The forthcoming standard gets the definition of errno a bit more straight, but these uglinesses remain