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Which font formats does iOS support?


I'd like to know which font formats iOS supports. I already know that iOS supports the TTF format. Does it support any others—for example, PFM or PMB?

like image 745
Matrosov Oleksandr Avatar asked Jun 08 '11 10:06

Matrosov Oleksandr

People also ask

Can you install fonts on iOS?

You can download fonts from the App Store app , then use them in documents you create on iPhone. After you download an app containing fonts from the App Store, open the app to install the fonts. To manage installed fonts, go to Settings > General, then tap Fonts.

1 Answers

As of iOS 7, both TTF and OTF font formats are supported. You can distribute these fonts in your apps, or through configuration profiles (to make them available system wide).

like image 189
lxt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
