What is the best way to pick random colors for a bar chart / histogram such that each color is different from the other.. and possibly in contrast
The most talked about way is
but this can generate similar colors.. and sometimes distinguishing them might be a problem..
Introduction. Here I show a random color generator for a div using TypeScript and change the color of the div at regular intervals of time using TypeScript. We use the setInterval method in this example. The setInterval method creates a timer that calls the specified function at the specified interval in milliseconds.
I would generate colors using HSV
(hue, saturation, value) instead of RGB. In HSV, the color is defined by the hue, ranging from 0-360. Thus, if you want e.g. 6
different colors, you can simply divide 360
by 5
(because we want to include 0
) and get 72
, so each color should increment with 72
. Use a function like this one to convert the generated HSV color to RGB.
The following function returns an array of total
different colors in RGB format. Note that the colors won't be "random" in this example, as they will always range from red to pink.
function randomColors(total)
var i = 360 / (total - 1); // distribute the colors evenly on the hue range
var r = []; // hold the generated colors
for (var x=0; x<total; x++)
r.push(hsvToRgb(i * x, 100, 100)); // you can also alternate the saturation and value for even more contrast between the colors
return r;
The best way is to convert from HSV values. You can divide the maximum value of "Hue" by the amount of colors you need and then increment by this result.
For improved contrast, you can also alternate between high and low values of lightness.
The existing answers which mention the Hue, Saturation, Value representation of colors are very elegant, are closer to how humans perceive color, and it is probably best to follow their advice. Also creating a long precalculated list of colors and choosing subsets of them as needed is fast and reliable.
However, here is some code that answers your question directly: it will generate random colors in RGB that are sufficiently different. There are two drawbacks to this technique that I can see. First, these colors are really random and could look kind of gross together, and second it might take a while for the code to stumble on colors that work, depending on how "far apart" you require the colors to be.
function hex2rgb(h) {
return [(h & (255 << 16)) >> 16, (h & (255 << 8)) >> 8, h & 255];
function distance(a, b) {
var d = [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]];
return Math.sqrt((d[0]*d[0]) + (d[1]*d[1]) + (d[2]*d[2]));
function freshColor(sofar, d) {
var n, ok;
while(true) {
ok = true;
n = Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0;
for(var c in sofar) {
if(distance(hex2rgb(sofar[c]), hex2rgb(n)) < d) {
ok = false;
if(ok) { return n; }
function getColors(n, d) {
var a = [];
for(; n > 0; n--) {
a.push(freshColor(a, d));
return a;
The distance between colors is the Euclidean distance measured by the R, G, and B components. Thus the furthest that two colors (black and white) can be is about 441.67.
To use this code, call getColors
where the first parameter is the number of colors, and the second is the minimum distance between any two of them. It will return an array of numerical RGB values.
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