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Excel Python API


Does anyone know of a way of accessing MS Excel from Python? Specifically I am looking to create new sheets and fill them with data, including formulae.

Preferably I would like to do this on Linux if possible, but can do it from in a VM if there is no other way.

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Jim Jeffries Avatar asked Jul 14 '11 18:07

Jim Jeffries

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2 Answers

xlwt and xlrd can read and write Excel files, without using Excel itself:


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Thomas K Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Thomas K

Long time after the original question, but last answer pushed it top of feed again. Others might benefit from my experience using python and excel.

I am using excel and python quite bit. Instead of using the xlrd, xlwt modules directly, I normally use pandas. I think pandas uses these modules as imports, but i find it much easier using the pandas provided framework to create and read the spreadsheets. Pandas's Dataframe structure is very "spreadsheet-like" and makes life a lot easier in my opinion.

The other option that I use (not in direct answer to your problem) is DataNitro. It allows you to use python directly within excel. Different use case, but you would use it where you would normally have to write VBA code in Excel.

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Joop Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
