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Where's the 3-way Git merge driver for .PO (gettext) files?

I already have following

[attr]POFILE merge=merge-po-files

locale/*.po POFILE

in the .gitattributes and I'd like to get merging of branches to work correctly when the same localization file (e.g. locale/en.po) has been modified in paraller branches. I'm currently using following merge driver:

# git merge driver for .PO files (gettext localizations)
# Install:
# git config merge.merge-po-files.driver "./bin/merge-po-files %A %O %B"


# rename to bit more meaningful filenames to get better conflict results
cp "${1}" "$LOCAL"
cp "${2}" "$BASE"
cp "${3}" "$REMOTE"

# merge files and overwrite local file with the result
msgcat "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" -o "${1}" || exit 1

# cleanup
rm -f "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"

# check if merge has conflicts
fgrep -q '#-#-#-#-#' "${1}" && exit 1

# if we get here, merge is successful
exit 0

However, the msgcat is too dumb and this is not a true three way merge. For example, if I have

  1. BASE version

    msgid "foo"
    msgstr "foo"
  2. LOCAL version

    msgid "foo"
    msgstr "bar"
  3. REMOTE version

    msgid "foo"
    msgstr "foo"

I'll end up with a conflict. However, a true three way merge driver would output correct merge:

msgid "foo"
msgstr "bar"

Note that I cannot simply add --use-first to msgcat because the REMOTE could contain the updated translation. In addition, if BASE, LOCAL and REMOTE are all unique, I still want a conflict, because that would really be a conflict.

What do I need to change to make this work? Bonus points for less insane conflict marker than '#-#-#-#-#', if possible.

like image 474
Mikko Rantalainen Avatar asked Apr 25 '13 11:04

Mikko Rantalainen

1 Answers

[This is a historical version, see my another more recent answer for year 2021 version of the merge driver.]

Here's a bit complex example driver that seems to output correct merge which may contain some translations that should have been deleted by local or remote version.
Nothing should be missing so this driver just adds some extra clutter in some cases.

This version uses gettext native conflict marker that looks like #-#-#-#-# combined with fuzzy flag instead of normal git conflict markers.
The driver is a bit ugly to workaround bugs (or features) in msgcat and msguniq:

# git merge driver for .PO files
# Copyright (c) Mikko Rantalainen <[email protected]>, 2013
# License: MIT

ORIG_HASH=$(git hash-object "${1}")
WORKFILE=$(git ls-tree -r HEAD | fgrep "$ORIG_HASH" | cut -b54-)
echo "Using custom merge driver for $WORKFILE..."





# standardize the input files for regexping
# default to UTF-8 in case charset is still the placeholder "CHARSET"
cat "${1}" | perl -npe 's!(^"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=)(CHARSET)(\\n"$)!$1UTF-8$3!' | msgcat --no-wrap --sort-output - > "$LOCAL"
cat "${2}" | perl -npe 's!(^"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=)(CHARSET)(\\n"$)!$1UTF-8$3!' | msgcat --no-wrap --sort-output - > "$BASE"
cat "${3}" | perl -npe 's!(^"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=)(CHARSET)(\\n"$)!$1UTF-8$3!' | msgcat --no-wrap --sort-output - > "$REMOTE"

# convert each definition to single line presentation
# extra fill is required to make sure that git separates each conflict 
perl -npe 'BEGIN {$/ = "\n\n"}; s/#\n$/\n/s; s/#/##/sg; s/\n/#n/sg; s/#n$/\n/sg; s/#n$/\n/sg; $_.="#fill#\n" x 4' "$LOCAL" > "$LOCAL_ONELINE"
perl -npe 'BEGIN {$/ = "\n\n"}; s/#\n$/\n/s; s/#/##/sg; s/\n/#n/sg; s/#n$/\n/sg; s/#n$/\n/sg; $_.="#fill#\n" x 4' "$BASE"  > "$BASE_ONELINE"
perl -npe 'BEGIN {$/ = "\n\n"}; s/#\n$/\n/s; s/#/##/sg; s/\n/#n/sg; s/#n$/\n/sg; s/#n$/\n/sg; $_.="#fill#\n" x 4' "$REMOTE"  > "$REMOTE_ONELINE"

# merge files using normal git merge machinery
git merge-file -p --union -L "Current (working directory)" -L "Base (common ancestor)" -L "Incoming (applied changeset)" "$LOCAL_ONELINE" "$BASE_ONELINE" "$REMOTE_ONELINE" > "$MERGED"

# remove possibly duplicated headers (workaround msguniq bug http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.gettext.bugs/96)
cat "$MERGED" | perl -npe 'BEGIN {$/ = "\n\n"}; s/^([^\n]+#nmsgid ""#nmsgstr ""#n.*?\n)([^\n]+#nmsgid ""#nmsgstr ""#n.*?\n)+/$1/gs' > "$MERGED2"

# remove lines that have totally empty msgstr
# and convert back to normal PO file representation
cat "$MERGED2" | grep -v '#nmsgstr ""$' | grep -v '^#fill#$' | perl -npe 's/#n/\n/g; s/##/#/g' > "$MERGED"

# run the output through msguniq to merge conflicts gettext style
# msguniq seems to have a bug that causes empty output if zero msgids
# are found after the header. Expected output would be the header...
# Workaround the bug by adding an empty obsolete fallback msgid
# that will be automatically removed by msguniq


#~ msgid "obsolete fallback"
#~ msgstr ""

cat "$MERGED" "$FALLBACK_OBSOLETE" | msguniq --no-wrap --sort-output > "$MERGED2"

# create a hacked template from default merge between 3 versions
# we do this to try to preserve original file ordering
msgcat --use-first "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" > "$TEMPLATE1"
msghack --empty "$TEMPLATE1" > "$TEMPLATE2"
msgmerge --silent --no-wrap --no-fuzzy-matching "$MERGED2" "$TEMPLATE2" > "$OUTPUT"

# show some results to stdout
if grep -q '#-#-#-#-#' "$OUTPUT"
    FUZZY=$(cat "$OUTPUT" | msgattrib --only-fuzzy --no-obsolete --color | perl -npe 'BEGIN{ undef $/; }; s/^.*?msgid "".*?\n\n//s')
    if test -n "$FUZZY"
        echo "-------------------------------"
        echo "Fuzzy translations after merge:"
        echo "-------------------------------"
        echo "$FUZZY"
        echo "-------------------------------"

# git merge driver must overwrite the first parameter with output
mv "$OUTPUT" "${1}"

# cleanup

# return conflict if merge has conflicts according to msgcat/msguniq
grep -q '#-#-#-#-#' "${1}" && exit 1

# otherwise, return git merge status

# Steps to install this driver:
# (1) Edit ".git/config" in your repository directory
# (2) Add following section:
# [merge "merge-po-files"]
#   name = merge po-files driver
#   driver = ./bin/merge-po-files %A %O %B
#   recursive = binary
# or
# git config merge.merge-po-files.driver "./bin/merge-po-files %A %O %B"
# The file ".gitattributes" will point git to use this merge driver.

Short explanation about this driver:

  • It converts regular PO file format to single line format where each line is a translation entry.
  • Then it uses regular git merge-file --union to do the merge and after the merge the resulting single line format is converted back to regular PO file format.
    The actual conflict resolution is done after this using msguniq,
  • and then it finally merges the resulting file with template generated by regular msgcat combining original input files to restore possibly lost metadata.

Warning: this driver will use msgcat --no-wrap on the .PO file and will force UTF-8 encoding if actual encoding is not specified.
If you want to use this merge driver but inspect the results always, change the final exit $MERGESTATUS to look like exit 1.

After getting merge conflict from this driver, the best method for fixing the conflict is to open the conflicting file with virtaal and select Navigation: Incomplete.
I find this UI a pretty nice tool for fixing the conflict.

like image 85
Mikko Rantalainen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Mikko Rantalainen