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Possible to run git-annex on windows?

Is it somehow possible to run git-annex on windows?

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Cambiata Avatar asked Jun 10 '11 12:06


People also ask

Can you use Git on Windows?

There are two methods to launch git in windows. One is launching git using a bash scripting shell with the help of the command line and another is launching git using a graphical user interface. To launch git via bash scripting shell, First, open the window and search for git bash and open it.

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To install Git, navigate to your command prompt shell and run the following command: sudo dnf install git-all . Once the command output has completed, you can verify the installation by typing: git version .

What is Git for Windows Portable?

Portable Git is a completely standalone version of the Git distributed version control system. All you need do to get going is to download a file and unzip it into a folder.

1 Answers

As of the time of writing this comment you are reading right now, Windows support for git-annex is planned as part of the git-annex assistant project (which I think automatically adds support for git-annex itself), but it is not implemented just yet.


  • This webpage has the status of the Windows port.

  • This page has design plans for the Windows port.

  • This one shows the roadmap status at the time of writing.

like image 68
Abbafei Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10
