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Where to install Android SDK on Mac OS X?

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Where does Android SDK install on Mac?

The location of the folder is located in the text box near the top that says “Android SDK Location”. By default the Android SDK location is stored at “/Users/[USER]/Library/Android/sdk” or at “/Library/Android/sdk/”.

Can I install Android SDK on Mac?

Assuming you have macOS/OS X running, you can use Homebrew to install the Android SDK.

Where does Android SDK install?

by default, the "Android Studio IDE" will be installed in " C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio ", and the "Android SDK" in " c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk ".

How do I know if I have Android SDK installed on my Mac?

Show activity on this post. For Visual Studio for Mac users (e.g. who installed Android SDK together with VS): open Visual Studio for Mac. select from menu: Tools -> SDK Manager -> Select 3rd tab: 'Localizations' in dialog.

The easiest (and standard) way to install Android SDK under OS X is to use brew.

brew install android-sdk

If you do not have homebrew, here's how to get it.

This will install Android SDK into /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/ and, at this moment, this is the best location to install it.

In homebrew the android-sdk has migrated from homebrew/core to homebrew/cask.

brew tap homebrew/cask

and install android-sdk using

brew install android-sdk --cask 

You will have to add the ANDROID_HOME to profile (.zshrc or .bashrc)

export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/share/android-sdk

If you prefer otherwise, copy the package to


When I installed Android Studio 1.0 it ended up in


My personal preference is to put it in ~/opt/local/android-sdk-mac or /Developer/android-sdk-mac the latter being where Xcode and all the Apple Dev tools are held.