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Where to find Spark SQL syntax reference? [closed]

Do we know any syntax reference for spark-sql? I mean the style like MySQL SELECT syntax, or PostgreSQL Documentation: SELECT.

If not, what is the best source we can access?

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Notinlist Avatar asked Jun 17 '15 09:06


People also ask

What syntax does Spark SQL use?

SparkSql follows Hive style, so you can refer to Hive Syntax for better documentation. The supported and unsupported Hive features by SparkSql can be found in the official documentation.

How do you escape special characters in Spark SQL?

Use ` to escape special characters (e.g., ` ).

What is Spark syntax?

Spark SQL is Apache Spark's module for working with structured data. The SQL Syntax section describes the SQL syntax in detail along with usage examples when applicable. This document provides a list of Data Definition and Data Manipulation Statements, as well as Data Retrieval and Auxiliary Statements.

How do I find the execution plan in Spark SQL?

Go to the SQL tab and find the query you ran. Click on the description to view the visualization of the Spark Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for your query execution. You need to read this from top to bottom. You can expand the details at the bottom of the page to view the execution plan for your query.

2 Answers

SparkSql follows Hive style, so you can refer to Hive Syntax for better documentation.

The supported and unsupported Hive features by SparkSql can be found in the official documentation.

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Robin Loxley Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 06:09

Robin Loxley

If not, what is the best source we can access?

I don't know about any better source that could be considered "the best" but the source code of Apache Spark itself. I can imagine that is not as user-friendly as the mentioned sources, but Apache Spark is a highly dynamic open source project and it'd be very hard to keep up with all the changes.

If you're asking about what's supported in so-called SQL mode, you should consult SqlBase.g4 which is the ANTLR grammar of Spark SQL. Unless there's a bug in ANTLR you cannot do anything but what's in the grammar.

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Jacek Laskowski Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Jacek Laskowski