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How to connect Spark SQL to remote Hive metastore (via thrift protocol) with no hive-site.xml?

I'm using HiveContext with SparkSQL and I'm trying to connect to a remote Hive metastore, the only way to set the hive metastore is through including the hive-site.xml on the classpath (or copying it to /etc/spark/conf/).

Is there a way to set this parameter programmatically in a java code without including the hive-site.xml ? If so what is the Spark configuration to use ?

like image 566
amarouni Avatar asked Aug 13 '15 06:08


1 Answers

For Spark 1.x, you can set with :

System.setProperty("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://METASTORE:9083");  final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); SparkContext sc = new SparkContext(conf); HiveContext hiveContext = new HiveContext(sc); 


final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); SparkContext sc = new SparkContext(conf); HiveContext hiveContext = new HiveContext(sc); hiveContext.setConf("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://METASTORE:9083"); 

Update If your Hive is Kerberized :

Try setting these before creating the HiveContext :

System.setProperty("hive.metastore.sasl.enabled", "true"); System.setProperty("hive.security.authorization.enabled", "false"); System.setProperty("hive.metastore.kerberos.principal", hivePrincipal); System.setProperty("hive.metastore.execute.setugi", "true"); 
like image 133
amarouni Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
