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How to suppress Spark logging in unit tests?

So thanks to easily googleable blogs I tried:

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification  class SparkEngineSpecs extends Specification {   sequential    def setLogLevels(level: Level, loggers: Seq[String]): Map[String, Level] = loggers.map(loggerName => {     val logger = Logger.getLogger(loggerName)     val prevLevel = logger.getLevel     logger.setLevel(level)     loggerName -> prevLevel   }).toMap    setLogLevels(Level.WARN, Seq("spark", "org.eclipse.jetty", "akka"))    val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("Test Spark Engine"))    // ... my unit tests 

But unfortunately it doesn't work, I still get a lot of spark output, e.g.:

14/12/02 12:01:56 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_4 of size 4184 dropped from memory (free 583461216) 14/12/02 12:01:56 INFO ContextCleaner: Cleaned broadcast 4 14/12/02 12:01:56 INFO ContextCleaner: Cleaned shuffle 4 14/12/02 12:01:56 INFO ShuffleBlockManager: Deleted all files for shuffle 4 
like image 720
samthebest Avatar asked Dec 02 '14 12:12


People also ask

How can I disable logging while running unit tests in Java?

You can disable LogLog's output by calling LogLog. setQuietMode(true) .

Should we unit test logging?

Yes, we should test logging when the logging is doing something that is required. For example, you have hooks in some external application that scans the log for certain events. In that case you certainly want to ensure the logging is done.

1 Answers

Add the following code into the log4j.properties file inside the src/test/resources dir, create the file/dir if not exist

# Change this to set Spark log level log4j.logger.org.apache.spark=WARN  # Silence akka remoting log4j.logger.Remoting=WARN  # Ignore messages below warning level from Jetty, because it's a bit verbose log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty=WARN 

When I run my unit tests (I'm using JUnit and Maven), I only receive WARN level logs, in other words no more cluttering with INFO level logs (though they can be useful at times for debugging).

I hope this helps.

like image 84
Emre Sevinç Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Emre Sevinç