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Where is redux store saved?

I was looking into how secure a redux application can be, I am storing certain values in redux store i.e. user token etc.. and tried to see if someone else could gain access to them via an xss attack for example, I checked sessionStorage, localStorage, cookies and it is not there, as well as it is not inside my app.js file (my bundle file), hence my question.

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Ilja Avatar asked Jul 12 '16 12:07


People also ask

Where is redux store stored?

The state in Redux is stored in memory. This means that, if you refresh the page the state gets wiped out. The state in redux is just a variable that persists in memory because it is referenced by all redux functions.

Where does redux store data persist?

redux-persist provides different storage to persist data like local storage, session storage or async storge. We will use the local storage. We need the combineReducers function to group up all the reducers into one so that we can pass it to the redux-persist.

Is redux stored in local storage?

The redux store contains total, amount, and cart items. This store's state will be later saved in the local storage.

How does redux save data?

A Redux store is created using a root reducer function. The store calls the root reducer once, and saves the return value as its initial state. When the UI is first rendered, UI components access the current state of the Redux store, and use that data to decide what to render.

2 Answers

Was just about to answer How does React and Redux store data? Is it localstorage or cookies? when it got closed as a duplicate. So I wanted to paste my answer here.


First off, it's worth noting that UI libraries don't actually manage state (other than component-level state). ReactJS and VueJS expect you to pass data to them like you would pass parameters to a function. They aren't concerned with where this data came from or how you're storing it.

Redux, on the other hand, is not a UI library -- it's a state management library. Redux does store state. The VueJS corollary to Redux would be "Vuex".

With that out of the way, the next thing you need to know is that there's a difference between state management and state persistence. Libraries like Redux and Vuex usually keep track of your variables and provide tools for changing state (reducers, specifically) - but they don't manage the persistence of that state. Persistence refers to saving the state somewhere to reload it the next time someone comes to your app - and seems to be what you're curious about (since you mentioned cookies and Local Storage)

Persistence is usually coded by hand (send the state to an API endpoint which saves it to a database, then when you reload the page you ping a different API endpoint to retrieve the state) or you utilize a plugin / module for your state manager to handle persistence for you. For example, there's a popular Redux Local Storage plugin called (trivially enough) redux-localstorage

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stevendesu Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10


From this part of documentation (http://redux.js.org/docs/FAQ.html#performance-state-memory) I deduce it's stored in memory, so it is not persistent.

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dieend Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
