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Pass Event from child component to parent component Angular 5

I have a parent component called program-page and it has a child component called program-item now I have a button on the program-item and what I want that button to do is to call a function on the parent component.. Im not sure how I would do something like this..


<app-program-header></app-program-header> <app-week-display></app-week-display> <app-program-item [item]="programItem"></app-program-item> 




<button>click me</button> // button I want to be able to call event on parent component 

Im aware I could use an event emitter but Ive never used one before and not sure how I would implement it in this case, I havent seen any examples where clicking a button on a child component calls a function on the parent

any help would be appreciated!

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Smokey Dawson Avatar asked Feb 21 '18 02:02

Smokey Dawson

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1 Answers

Angular has Input and Output, which can be used to provide data to a child component and send events to a parent component respectively.

You can do something like this.


<app-program-header></app-program-header> <app-week-display></app-week-display> <app-program-item [item]="programItem" (someEvent)="someFunction($event)"></app-program-item> 


import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; .... @Output() someEvent = new EventEmitter(); 


<button (click)="someEvent.emit('data')">click me</button> 

Primitive usage of Input and Output Stackblitz example

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Pavan Bahuguni Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Pavan Bahuguni