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Where is firebase data center located ?



We are defining our privacy policy and customers (specially in the EU) are concerned where their data is located. Is this still the right answer or did anything change since 2014?


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Tamer A. El Sayed Avatar asked Mar 02 '15 11:03

Tamer A. El Sayed

1 Answers

At the Google DevFest in Amsterdam, I heard from Frank van Puffelen who presented Firebase to us that at that time (10/10/2015) they had a datacentre in the US and were planning to open one in Europe.

I'd like to give you more details but that's all I know.

I'm also hoping they will open a datacentre in the EU, since there are fresh laws about where our data collected from EU citizens can be stored and that the Safe Harbour legislation will become irrelevant from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong).

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Thomas Amar Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Thomas Amar