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Firestore still retrieving documents from cache even though I've disabled persistence

My Firestore is still retrieving documents from cache even though I've explicitly told it not to:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val dbSettings = FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder().setPersistenceEnabled(false).build()
        db.firestoreSettings = dbSettings

Above is my launcher activity where I set the Firestore settings.

In my fragment I perform a GeoFirestore GeoQuery:

class MapFragment : Fragment() {
    val instances = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("instances")
    val geoFirestore = GeoFirestore(instances)
    lateinit var nearbyDocs: GeoQuery

    private fun searchNearby(){
        nearbyDocs = geoFirestore.queryAtLocation(currentLocation, 1.0)
        nearbyDocs.addGeoQueryDataEventListener(object : GeoQueryDataEventListener {

            override fun onDocumentEntered(documentSnapshot: DocumentSnapshot, location: GeoPoint) {
               Log.d(TAG, "onDocumentEntered: user1: ${documentSnapshot.getString("user1")?.substring(0, 3)} | docId: ${documentSnapshot.id.substring(0, 5)} | fromCache: ${documentSnapshot.metadata.isFromCache}")
               Log.d(TAG, "isPersistanceEnabled2: ${db.firestoreSettings.isPersistenceEnabled}")

This is what it logs:

onDocumentEntered: user1: 0X6 | docId: lPLFf | fromCache: true
isPersistanceEnabled2: false

This doesn't make sense - I'm receiving cached documents even though my persistence is turned off.

Any idea what the problem is?

Edit: I have tried clearing the cache but that did not fix the problem.

like image 950
Zorgan Avatar asked Jul 20 '19 08:07


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1 Answers

You are now able to choose if you would like to fetch your data from the server only, or from the cache only, like this (an example for server only):

DocumentReference documentReference= FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().document("example");
documentReference.get(Source.SERVER).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
    public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {

For cache only, just change the code above to Source.CACHE.

By default, both methods still attempt server and fall back to the cache.

like image 86
Pranav Darji Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Pranav Darji