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Firebase Dynamic Link behaving strangely in Chrome iOS

We're having trouble with the following Firebase Dynamic Link in Chrome iOS (tested on 72.0.3626.74): https://carvana.page.link/?link=https://www.carvana.com&isi=1273426583&ibi=com.carvana.copilot&cid=4115817180136449045&_icp=1

On a device without the target app installed, the link is expected to open the app store.

When following the link on a device with Chrome set as the default browser, the "preview page" opens and immediately displays a dialog reading "This page will open in another application":

Step 1

Tapping "Open" dismisses the dialog but does not open the app store:

Step 2

Tapping the "OPEN" HTML button then triggers the same dialog again:

Step 3

This time, tapping "Open" opens the store as expected:

Step 4

Opening the link in Safari behaves as expected, rendering the preview page and prompting to open the store only after tapping "OPEN".

like image 903
pauljm Avatar asked Feb 08 '19 06:02


1 Answers

This seems to be an ongoing issue with Forced Redirects in FDL. You can read up on it here.

Basically the workaround until a permanent fix is to disable Forced Redirects. It is annoying, however the App Preview page link is more reliable than Forced Redirect.

FIRDynamicLinkNavigationInfoParameters *navigationInfoParameters = [FIRDynamicLinkNavigationInfoParameters parameters];
    navigationInfoParameters.forcedRedirectEnabled = 0;
    components.navigationInfoParameters = navigationParams;

Other users have reported related issues, and some have found wokrarounds for FDL Forced Redirect issues similar to the one you are reporting.

I believe that issue is due to the Forced Redirect not correctly determining the IOS version of the client. The Forced Redirect uses a different route than the App Preview page. As stated above, even the FDL documentation says that the App Preview page is more reliable than Forced Redirect.

I hope this helps

like image 191
Nathan Fries Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Nathan Fries