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Where do I download Iesi.Collections from?

Trying out nHibernate, it says it can't find Iesi.Collections.

Where can I get this from? Shouldn't it ship with the nHibernate download if it is so vital?

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mrblah Avatar asked May 28 '09 02:05


2 Answers

The source for Iesi.Collections delivered with NHibernate is here: https://github.com/nhibernate/nhibernate-core/tree/3.3.x/src

During 2012 it was moved to separate repository: https://github.com/nhibernate/iesi.collections Recently master in that repo was changed heavily to adjust to .Net 4, but before that the API had been essentially unchanged for many years.

Binaries of new and old versions are available on NuGet.

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Oskar Berggren Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Oskar Berggren

This might be an old question, but it's available via NuGet.

enter image description here

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Pure.Krome Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
