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Where can I find a good tutorial on XSLT files? [closed]



I'm writing a translation between two XML file types and was wondering where I could find some good tutorials about this process.


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VerticalEvent Avatar asked Aug 18 '10 11:08


People also ask

Is XSLT still a thing?

Support for JSON and plain-text transformation was added in later updates to the XSLT 1.0 specification. As of August 2022, the most recent stable version of the language is XSLT 3.0, which achieved Recommendation status in June 2017. XSLT 3.0 implementations support Java, . NET, C/C++, Python, PHP and NodeJS.

What is the difference between XSL and XSLT?

XSLT is designed to be used as part of XSL. In addition to XSLT, XSL includes an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting. XSL specifies the styling of an XML document by using XSLT to describe how the document is transformed into another XML document that uses the formatting vocabulary.

How do I use an XSLT file?

Add the XSLT style sheet using the Properties window. With the XML file open in the editor, right-click anywhere in the editor and choose Properties. In the Properties window, click in the Stylesheet field and choose the browse button (...). Select the XSLT style sheet, and then choose Open.

1 Answers

T U T O R I A L S:

Update: I am glad to add this latest XSLT tutorial:

  XSLT 2.0 and 1.0 Foundations, By Dimitre Novatchev (8:45 hours, 12 modules)

Also see these:

What's New in XSLT 3.0: Part 1, By Dimitre Novatchev (5:28 hours, 8 modules)

The Evolution of XPath: What’s New in XPath 3.0, By Dimitre Novatchev (4:29 hours, 7 modules)

  Some tutorials by Norman Walsh:

  1. On XSLT 1.0
  2. On XSLT 2.0/XPath 2.0

  Link to More tutorials


The classic books of Michael Kay on XSLT 1.0:

      XSLT: Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)

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and on XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0

      XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)

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(source: amazon.com)


      XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) :

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The books by Jeni Tennison:

      Beginning XSLT

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(source: abebooks.com)

      Beginning XSLT 2.0: From Novice to Professional

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      XSLT and XPath On The Edge, Unlimited Edition

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And Sal Mangano's book:

      XSLT Cookbook, Second Edition

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(source: oreilly.com)


  1. Michael Kay
  2. David Carlisle
  3. Jeni Tennison
  4. Dimitre Novatchev


  1. xsl-list archives
  2. Dave Pawson's XSLT-FAQ
  3. FXSL -- the Functional Programming Library for XSLT
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Dimitre Novatchev Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Dimitre Novatchev