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Where can I find a good collection of public domain owl ontologies for various domains?

I am building an ontology-processing tool and need lots of examples of various owl ontologies, as people are building and using them in the real world. I'm not talking about foundational ontologies such as Cyc, I'm talking about smaller, domain-specific ones.

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Kevin Pauli Avatar asked Oct 02 '08 21:10

Kevin Pauli

People also ask

What are common ontologies?

The Common Core Ontologies (CCO) comprise eleven ontologies that aim to represent and integrate taxonomies of generic classes and relations across all domains of interest.

What are domain ontologies?

A domain ontology (or domain-specific ontology) represents concepts which belong to a realm of the world, such as biology or politics. Each domain ontology typically models domain-specific definitions of terms. For example, the word card has many different meanings.

Where are ontologies used?

One major advantage of using a domain ontology is its ability to define a semantic model of the data combined with the associated domain knowledge. Ontologies can also be used to define links between different types of semantic knowledge. Thus, ontologies can be used in formulating some data searching strategies.

What three entities are Modelled in owls?

OWL entities may be named individuals, classes, properties (binary predicates), or data types. This differs somewhat from the use of the term "entity" in Object-Role Modeling (ORM) and Entity Relationship modeling (ER), where all entities are non-lexical individuals (not types or classes).

1 Answers

There's no definitive collection afaik, but these links all have useful collections of OWL and RDFS ontologies:

  • schemaweb.info
  • vocab.org
  • owlseek
  • linking open data constellation
  • RDF schema registry (rather old now)

In addition, there are some general-purpose RDF/RDFS/OWL search engines you may find helpful:

  • sindice
  • swoogle


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Ian Dickinson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Ian Dickinson