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Where can I download jQueryMobile themes

jQueryMobile default themes are okay, and I know we can change ourselves using the theme roller. But is there a place I can download customized themes from a list/library?

I don't like the 18x18 px micro images on the header-bar and would like more open and bold icons. Also the icons should work well on high-res screens.

If the swatches and themes are good, can buy as well, but if there are good ones on github, great!

For example, this is good: http://taitems.github.com/iOS-Inspired-jQuery-Mobile-Theme/

Some more examples:

https://github.com/jjoe64/jquery-mobile-android-theme http://www.andymatthews.net/read/2012/02/13/New-jQuery-Mobile-theme:-Twitter-Bootstrap

Thank you.


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Manish Pradhan Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 18:06

Manish Pradhan

2 Answers

I like this one:


you can customize it easy.

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elCapitano Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


There's a new theme generator called Graphite For jQuery Mobile 1.3.1. You can see it here:

Graphite - A Theme Pack & Generator For jQuery Mobile

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Hirvesh Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
