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Where are Pip installation logs?




Why doesn't pip make logs of which version of which lib was installed when? If you update a library to a broken version then what? How do you know which version is not broken?

Those who upvote this - can you tell me why are you doing it?

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Smit Johnth Avatar asked Dec 19 '18 05:12

Smit Johnth

People also ask

Is there pip install log?

1 Answer. You can specify a log file at the command line when running pip using the --log LOG_FILE argument. For example, pip install click --log LOG_FILE .

Where can I find pip log?

run the pip command in verbose mode. It will display everything even errors those things will come to this file. So, it has all info you need.

How do I check my pip installation history?

pip --help pip list --help pip show --help etc. Show activity on this post. should give you the creation time of a file, i.e. date of when the package has been installed or updated.

1 Answers

When you run the pip, you can specify the logfile. This way you can track the installation logs in future.

pip install pylint --log LOG_FILE

Or you can set it in your pip.conf to be enabled by default:

log = <path>

Hope this helps.However this is not exactly what you asked. This is just to help achieve that. For windows: Quoting from https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/#config-file

On Windows the configuration file is %APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini.
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Rishi Bansal Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Rishi Bansal