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When I load ADT why do I receive the error "The Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version XX.X.X or above?"

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What is Android SDK and ADT?

The ADT-1 Developer Kit is a streaming media player and game controller designed for running and testing apps built for Android TV. The ADT-1 kit is not required for building and testing apps for Android TV. The Android SDK includes all the software needed to build TV apps and an emulator for running and testing them.

For some reason ADT (Eclipse) won't pick up on the fact that it does in fact need to be updated. Since the built in tools for updating are failing you you'll have to work around them. On the Help menu instead of selecting Check for Updates instead pick Install New Software (so Help > Install New Software).

On the Available Software screen in the Work With dropdown provide:
https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ if it's not already available. You should see a list of options including Developer Tools. Check everything that you want to update. In the list of checkboxes below uncheck "Contact all update sites during install to find required software."

Install New Software

Click Next and follow the remaining onscreen prompts. You may be warned that instead of an install an update will be performed. This is okay. Once the operation is complete you will no longer receive the "The Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit verxion 21.1.0 or above" error when you load ADT.