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What's universal javascript?

I've been reading articles online about what universal javascript is but I'm still not comfortable with the definitions each site is giving which is, "code that can run on the client and server." Does this mean that a node.js app is inherently universal javascript because it will have javascript running in the client side and server side. Or does universal javascript have to do with server side rendering then client side rendering?

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Ethan Davis Avatar asked May 09 '17 06:05

Ethan Davis

2 Answers

Preface: I cannot find any highly-authoritative (e.g. ECMA, Microsoft, Mozilla or Google) source that provides a strict definition of "universal JavaScript" or "isomorphic JavaScript" - at most I've found a few blog posts (albeit by influential personalities) however I can see why a newcomer might be confused.

It seems there are two definitions going around which are similar, but with crucial differences:

1. To refer to JavaScript which runs anywhere

This definition refers to JavaScript which does not take a dependency on any specific client-side or server-side API, instead they only make use of features present in JavaScript's built-in library (String, Array, Date, function, Math etc) or on other libraries that also similarly restrict their dependencies (a transitive relation).

Remember that "JavaScript" does not mean that the DOM API, AJAX, HTML5 <canvas> (and so on) are available - it just means the JavaScript scripting language is being used - that's it. JavaScript has been available outside of web-browsers for over 20 years now (Windows support JavaScript as a shell-scripting language in cscript.exe/wscript.exe and ASP 3.0 supported server-side JScript as an alternative to VBScript - and the .NET Framework has "JScript.NET" too).

So in this case, if you wrote a library that adds some useful string functions, which only references String, then that script would work without issue in a Node.js server environment or an in-browser environment.

But if your script ever used the window object (only present in browsers) or express (a library only for Node) then it loses "universal" status because it cannot "run everywhere".

2. To refer to JavaScript which renders the same HTML whether on the server or on the client

e.g. http://isomorphic.net/

This definition is actually a strict subset of the first definition: as the same script must (by definition) run inside both a server/Node.js context, but also a browser DOM context - and when it runs it generates content (typically HTML) that is then displayed in the user's browser (and by doing this it must take a dependency on both a Node API and the W3C DOM - so then it cannot strictly run "anywhere" because neither are available in a cscript.exe environment, for example.

Note: There is debate if use of XMLHttpRequest or fetch makes a script universal or not - as their presence is not guaranteed (as technically they're part of the DOM, not JavaScript's built-in library).

In this 2015 blog post ( https://medium.com/@ghengeveld/isomorphism-vs-universal-javascript-4b47fb481beb ) the author argues that only the term "isomorphic JavaScript" should be used to refer to rendering code that runs in both browser and server environments, while "universal JavaScript" should refer to truly portable, environment-agnostic, JavaScript (i.e. my first definition).

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Dai Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09


Nowadays Single Page Applications have become very popular but they have problems, SEO, for example.

So, how does an SPA work? JavaScript loads in the browser and loads data from an API. Most of the rendering is done on the client Side. But search engine bots have a hard time indexing the page because it doesn't have much without JS.

Now, Universal/Isomorphic App comes to the rescue. At the initial page load, the original page renders on the server. After that, the app works like an SPA. It's got better SEO because when a search engine bot asks for a page, the server returns the whole rendered HTML page, with content and meta tags.

An isomorphic app can be done with JavaScript (Node.js), PHP or some other language, but if that app written with Node.js, then we can call it universal as both the backend and frontend are in JavaScript.

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Fazal Rasel Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Fazal Rasel