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DataTables ajax.reload() not working

I spend so much time and can not udnerstand why datatables can not refresh my table, i am getting already crazy with this datatables

my code is below, i spent weeks on it but is impossible to get it to work and i use ajax.reload

DataTablesDraw = (selector, order, pages, file, sort, column, template, data_set) ->
  'pageLength': pages
  'ordering': sort
  'destroy' : true,
  'paging': true
  'responsive': true
  'searching': false
  'info': false
  'lengthChange': true
  'autoWidth': false
  'select': true
  'dom': 'Bfrtip',

  'buttons': [
            'extend': 'excelHtml5',
            'title': file + new Date()
  'order': [ [ column, 'desc' ] ],
  'language': {
        buttons: {
            copyTitle: i18n[lang]['id[9]'],
            copySuccess: {
                _: i18n[lang]['id[10]'] + ' %d ' + i18n[lang]['id[11]'],
                1: i18n[lang]['id[12]']
  'ajax': '/settings/ranges/ranges.txt',
  "dataSrc": "data",
  'drawCallback': (settings) ->

    $('.dataTables_paginate > span').remove()
    excel = $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_wrapper .buttons-excel').detach()
    copy = $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_wrapper .buttons-copy').detach()

    if not $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_wrapper thead.tfoot').length
      $(this).append '<thead class="tfoot">' +
            '<tr>' +
                '<th colspan="10">' +
                    '<div class="export">' +
                        '<div class="buttons"></div>' +
                    '</div>' +
                    '<div class="paginator"></div>' +
                '</th>' +
            '</tr>' +

    paginator = $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_paginate').detach()
    $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_wrapper thead .paginator').append paginator
    $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_wrapper thead .export .buttons').append excel, copy

    if @fnPagingInfo().iTotalPages <= 1
      $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_paginate').hide()
      $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_info').hide()
      $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_paginate').show()
      $('#DataTables_Table_' + order + '_info').show()


  'columns': template


table= DataTablesDraw '.__ranges__', 0, 25, 'Current Ranges ', true, 5, CurrentRangesTemplate, ranges #selector, order, pages, file name, sorting

the table is getting the data from the file everything is fine, just ajax.reload() cant fix to work


{"data": [{"status": "1", "environment": "demo", "currency": "EUR", "range_to": 42342, "date_update": 1491814286, "server": "server", "date_create": 1491814286, "platform": "platform", "range_from": 432423, "user": {"email": "[email protected]"}]}
like image 552
aaa Avatar asked Apr 10 '17 10:04


2 Answers

The mistake was that u used ajax reload in this format


but in order to fix the mistake i jsut needed to do in this way


Hope this will help other, spent so much time on it on this small thing

like image 199
aaa Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11


Please check your version of datatable Jquery for using ajax.reload(). If you are using older version like(1.10) then you have to use API of datatable.

$('#table_data').dataTable( ).api().ajax.reload();

It will be work for you.

or for reloading table, you can 1st destroy datatable and again load it.for eg.

 table = $("#table_data").datatable()
$("#my-button").click(function() {
    table = $("#table_data").dataTable();
like image 32
Priya-Systematix Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11
