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what's the difference between Seq and Set in Scala





var seq = Seq[String]()
seq = seq :+ "hello"

var set = Set[String]()
set += "hello"

what's the difference between Seq and Set?

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Crawford Wilde Avatar asked Nov 06 '13 02:11

Crawford Wilde

2 Answers



Sequences always have a defined order of elements. Sequences provide a method apply for indexing.

Seq is similar to java.util.List.



A set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements.

This closely resembles a "set" in the mathematical sense: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(mathematics)

Set is similar to java.util.Set.

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Chris Martin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Chris Martin

This is described in many places, such as the documentation for Seq and Set and Scala's Collection Library guide.

One could also describe them by their characteristic functions:

  • A Set[A] is a function A => Boolean, which means one can check whether an element is present on it or not.

  • A Seq[A] is a function Int => A, which means that each element in it has an index, and one can retrieve the element that is at any given index.

This also explains the difference between the two statements:

seq = seq :+ "hello"
seq = "hello" +: seq 

set = set + "hello"

On a Set, one doesn't control the ordering of elements, so you simply add elements to it. On a Seq, because each element has an index, it is relevant where the element is being placed, and so we have +: and :+, which specify, respectively, that an element is to be prepended or appended to the sequence.

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Daniel C. Sobral Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Daniel C. Sobral