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Providing default value on typesafe config getters

So I am having multiple occurrences of similar snippets in my code:

val optionValue = try {
    } catch {
      case _: Missing => None

I want to somehow eliminate this duplicates from my code. I know that typesafe provides a way to give a fallback config file to provide default config values. However, in my case, I am not having any default values for some properties. They are optional properties.

What will be the most optimal way to refactor this code.

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vatsal mevada Avatar asked Sep 03 '18 06:09

vatsal mevada

4 Answers

This is not how the library works, according https://github.com/lightbend/config#how-to-handle-defaults.

You should use withFallback method to provide a clean configuration.

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Thomas Decaux Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10

Thomas Decaux

Since you are using Scala, and assuming you are ok with using implicits, I would go with the recommended approach of using an enrichment class which allows you to keep your Option syntax.

Example config.

existent.sample.string="I exist!"

Example enrichment class.

package config

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigException}

object MyConfig {

  implicit class RichConfig(val config: Config) extends AnyVal {
    def optionalString(path: String): Option[String] = if (config.hasPath(path)) {
    } else {

    def optionalBoolean(path: String): Option[Boolean] = if (config.hasPath(path)) {
    } else {

    // An example of using the exception approach - but less efficient than using hasPath
    def optionalString2(key: String): Option[String] = try {
    } catch {
      case _: ConfigException => None


Note that it is better to use hasPath (over using a Try) to check if a key exists in your scenario rather than having the JVM create an exception which should be of no interest for optional config. which is allowed not to exist.


import com.typesafe.config._

object ConfigTest extends App {

  import MyConfig._

  val conf = ConfigFactory.load

  val optionalString = conf.optionalString("existent.sample.string")
  val optionalStringNone = conf.optionalString("non-existent.sample.string")

  println(s"String config value: $optionalString")
  println(s"Optional (non-existent) String config value: $optionalStringNone")

  val optionalBoolean = conf.optionalBoolean("existent.sample.boolean")
  val optionalBooleanNone = conf.optionalBoolean("non-existent.sample.boolean")

  println(s"Boolean config value: $optionalBoolean")
  println(s"Optional (non-existent) String config value: $optionalBooleanNone")



// String config value: Some(I exist!)
// Optional (non-existent) String config value: None
// Boolean config value: Some(true)
// Optional (non-existent) String config value: None

The docs

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jacks Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10


From Jacko's response, I would prefer to simplify the code and avoid copy&pasting the hasPath method for each type.

  implicit class RichConfig(val config: Config) extends AnyVal {

    private def getOptional[T](path: String, get: String => T): Option[T] = {
      if (config.hasPath(path)) {
      } else {

    def optionalString(path: String): Option[String] = getOptional(path, config.getString)

    def optionalInt(path: String): Option[Int] = getOptional(path, config.getInt)

    def optionalDouble(path: String): Option[Double] = getOptional(path, config.getDouble)

    def optionalBoolean(path: String): Option[Boolean] = getOptional(path, config.getBoolean)

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Franzi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10


config.hasPath('sample.property') will tell you if the property exists.

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AlexanderAdam Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10
