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What's the difference between "declare class" and "interface" in TypeScript

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What is difference between class and interface in TypeScript?

TypeScript class vs.Classes are the fundamental entities used to create reusable components. It is a group of objects which have common properties. It can contain properties like fields, methods, constructors, etc. An Interface defines a structure which acts as a contract in our application.

Should I use class or interface in TypeScript?

When should we use classes and interfaces? If you want to create and pass a type-checked class object, you should use TypeScript classes. If you need to work without creating an object, an interface is best for you.

What is declare interface in TypeScript?

Declaring InterfacesThey can be used to provide information about object property names and the datatypes their values can hold to the TypeScript compiler. An interface adds the functionality of strong type checking for your functions, variables, or the class that is implementing the interface.

What is the use of interface in TypeScript?

An interface is a syntactical contract that an entity should conform to. In other words, an interface defines the syntax that any entity must adhere to. Interfaces define properties, methods, and events, which are the members of the interface.

interface is for when you simply want to describe the shape of an object. There's no code generation, ever, for interfaces -- they're solely an artifact in the type system. You'll see no difference in the code generation for a class depending on whether or not it has an implements clause.

declare class is for when you want to describe an existing class (usually a TypeScript class, but not always) that is going to be externally present (for example, you have two .ts files that compile to two .js files and both are included via script tags in a webpage). If you inherit from a class using extends (regardless of whether the base type was a declare class or a regular class) the compiler is going to generate all the code to hook up the prototype chain and forwarding constructors and what not.

If you try to inherit from a declare class that should have been an interface, you are going to have a runtime error because that generated code will be referring to an object with no runtime manifestation.

Conversely, if you simply implement an interface that should have been a declare class, you're going to have to re-implement all the members yourself and won't be taking advantage of any code re-use from the would-be base class, and functions that check the prototype chain at runtime will reject your object as not actually being an instance of the base class.

To get really nerdy, if you have a C++ background, you can roughly think of interface as typedef and declare class as an extern declaration of a constructor that strictly lacks a definition in this compile unit.

From a pure consumption side (writing imperative code, not adding new types), the only difference between interface and declare class is that you can't new an interface. However, if you intend to extend/implement one of these types in a new class, you absolutely have to have chosen correctly between interface and declare class. Only one of them will work.

Two rules that will serve you well:

  • Is the name of the type aligning with a constructor function (something invokable with new) that's actually present at runtime (e.g. Date is, but JQueryStatic is not)? If no, you definitely want interface
  • Am I dealing with a compiled class from another TypeScript file, or something sufficiently similar? If yes, use declare class

You can implement the interface:

class MyClass implements Example {
    Method() {


Whereas the declare class syntax is really intended to be used to add type definitions for external code that isn't written in TypeScript - so the implementation is "elsewhere".

In layman's terms, declare is used in .ts/d.ts files to tell the compiler that we should expect the keyword we're declaring to exist in that environment, even if it is not defined in the present file. This will then allow us to have type safety when using the declared object, as the Typescript compiler now knows that some other component may provide that variable.

Difference between declare and interface in TS:


declare class Example {
    public Method(): void; 

In the above code declare lets the TS compiler know that somewhere the class Example is declared. This does not mean that the class is magically included. You as a programmer are responsible for having the class available when you are declaring it (with the declare keyword).


interface Example {
    Method(): void;

An interface is a virtual construct that only exists within typescript. The typescript compiler uses it for the sole purpose of type checking. When the code is compiled to javascript this whole construct will be stripped out. The typescript compiler uses interfaces in order to check if objects have the right structure.

For example when we have the following interface:

interface test {
  foo: number,
  bar: string,

The objects which we define which have this interface type need to match the interface exactly:

// perfect match has all the properties with the right types, TS compiler will not complain.
  const obj1: test = {   
    foo: 5,
    bar: 'hey',