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Getting query parameters from react-router hash fragment

Note: Copy / Pasted from comment. Be sure to like the original post!

Writing in es6 and using react 0.14.6 / react-router 2.0.0-rc5. I use this command to lookup the query params in my components:


It creates a hash of all available query params in the url.


For React-Router v4, see this answer. Basically, use this.props.location.search to get the query string and parse with the query-string package or URLSearchParams:

const params = new URLSearchParams(paramsString); 
const tags = params.get('tags');

The above answers won't work in react-router v4. Here's what I did to solve the problem -

First Install query-string which will be required for parsing.

npm install -save query-string

Now in the routed component you can access the un-parsed query string like this


You can cross check it by logging in the console.

Finally parse to access the query parameters

const queryString = require('query-string');
var parsed = queryString.parse(this.props.location.search);
console.log(parsed.param); // replace param with your own 

So if query is like ?hello=world

console.log(parsed.hello) will log world

OLD (pre v4):

Writing in es6 and using react 0.14.6 / react-router 2.0.0-rc5. I use this command to lookup the query params in my components:


It creates a hash of all available query params in the url.

UPDATE (React Router v4+):

this.props.location.query in React Router 4 has been removed (currently using v4.1.1) more about the issue here: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/issues/4410

Looks like they want you to use your own method to parse the query params, currently using this library to fill the gap: https://github.com/sindresorhus/query-string

update 2017.12.25

"react-router-dom": "^4.2.2"

url like

BrowserHistory: http://localhost:3000/demo-7/detail/2?sort=name

HashHistory: http://localhost:3000/demo-7/#/detail/2?sort=name

with query-string dependency:

this.id = props.match.params.id;
this.searchObj = queryString.parse(props.location.search);
this.from = props.location.state.from;

console.log(this.id, this.searchObj, this.from);


2 {sort: "name"} home

"react-router": "^2.4.1"

Url like http://localhost:8080/react-router01/1?name=novaline&age=26

const queryParams = this.props.location.query;

queryParams is a object contains the query params: {name: novaline, age: 26}

"react-router-dom": "^5.0.0",

you do not need to add any additional module, just in your component that has a url address like this:


you can try the following simple code:

    const search =this.props.location.search;
    const params = new URLSearchParams(search);
    const authority = params.get('authority'); //

With stringquery Package:

import qs from "stringquery";

const obj = qs("?status=APPROVED&page=1limit=20");  
// > { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }

With query-string Package:

import qs from "query-string";
const obj = qs.parse(this.props.location.search);
console.log(obj.param); // { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" } 

No Package:

const convertToObject = (url) => {
  const arr = url.slice(1).split(/&|=/); // remove the "?", "&" and "="
  let params = {};

  for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2){
    const key = arr[i], value = arr[i + 1];
    params[key] = value ; // build the object = { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }
  return params;

const uri = this.props.location.search; // "?status=APPROVED&page=1&limit=20"

const obj = convertToObject(uri);

console.log(obj); // { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }

// obj.status
// obj.page
// obj.limit

Hope that helps :)

Happy coding!