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Run only ONE test with Jest

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How do you run a single test in a Jest test?

In order to run a specific test, you'll need to use the jest command. npm test will not work. To access jest directly on the command line, install it via npm i -g jest-cli or yarn global add jest-cli . Then simply run your specific test with jest bar.

Do Jest tests run concurrently?

By the way @trusktr Jest DOES run tests in parallel, just not ones in the same file. So you can run into issues with interference between tests if they are running on the same database.

Jest parallelizes test runs and it doesn't know upfront which tests it should run and which it shouldn't run. This means when you use "fit", it will only run one test in that file. But it still runs all other test files in your project.

fit, fdescribe and it.only, describe.only have the same purpose: skip other tests and run only me.

Source: https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/698#issuecomment-177673281

Use the Jest filtering mechanism. When you run your tests like,

jest --config=jest.config.json --watch

you can filter tests by a testname or filename. Just follow the instructions in the terminal.

Enter image description here

Press p, and then type a filename.

Enter image description here

Then you can use describe.only and it.only which will skip all other tests from the filtered, tested file.

it.only and describe.only work only for the module they are in. If you are having problems to filter tests in multiple files, you can use jest -t name-of-spec, filtering tests that match the specified name (match against the name in describe or test).

Source: Jest CLI Options

For example, I focus the test which I'm currently writing like this (with the test script in the package.json):
npm test -- -t "test foo"

For me it works if I use two parameters like this:

yarn test --watch -f "src/...fullpath.../reducer.spec.js" -t "Name of the test"


--watch: is optional

-f: will do filtering of your files, so if you have a lot of tests with the same name, specify the full path to the exact file

-t: works with 'describe' name or 'it' name of your test

It's like this:

jest sometest.test.js -t "some expression to match a describe or a test"

It will test all files with the name sometest.test.js and matching based on -t option. If you only want to test a specific file, you can do this:

jest src/user/.../sometest.test.js