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What's the difference between a hash and hash reference in Perl?

I would like to properly understand hashes in Perl. I've had to use Perl intermittently for quite some time and mostly whenever I need to do it, it's mostly related to text processing.

And everytime, I have to deal with hashes, it gets messed up. I find the syntax very cryptic for hashes

A good explanation of hashes and hash references, their differences, when they are required etc. would be much appreciated.

like image 909
user855 Avatar asked Nov 30 '09 01:11


People also ask

How do I print a hash reference value in Perl?

Hash References To get a hash reference, use the {key=>value} syntax instead, or prefix your variable name with a backslash like: %hash. Dereference a hash with %$hashref, with the $arrayref->{key} arrow for value references, or the %{array_ref_expression} syntax.

How do I display a hash in Perl?

The Perl print hash can used $ symbol for a single hash key and its value. The Perl print hash can use the % symbol for multiple hash keys and their values.

How do I create an empty hash in Perl?

You need to use the \ operator to take a reference to a plural data type (array or hash) before you can store it into a single slot of either. But in the example code given, if referenced, each would be the same hash.

How do I empty a hash array in Perl?

Empty values in a Hash: Generally, you can't assign empty values to the key of the hash. But in Perl, there is an alternative to provide empty values to Hashes. By using undef function. “undef” can be assigned to new or existing key based on the user's need.

2 Answers

A simple hash is close to an array. Their initializations even look similar. First the array:

@last_name = (   "Ward",   "Cleaver",   "Fred",   "Flintstone",   "Archie", "Bunker" ); 

Now let's represent the same information with a hash (aka associative array):

%last_name = (   "Ward",   "Cleaver",   "Fred",   "Flintstone",   "Archie", "Bunker" ); 

Although they have the same name, the array @last_name and the hash %last_name are completely independent.

With the array, if we want to know Archie's last name, we have to perform a linear search:

my $lname; for (my $i = 0; $i < @last_name; $i += 2) {   $lname = $last_name[$i+1] if $last_name[$i] eq "Archie"; } print "Archie $lname\n"; 

With the hash, it's much more direct syntactically:

print "Archie $last_name{Archie}\n"; 

Say we want to represent information with only slightly richer structure:

  • Cleaver (last name)
    • Ward (first name)
    • June (spouse's first name)
  • Flintstone
    • Fred
    • Wilma
  • Bunker
    • Archie
    • Edith

Before references came along, flat key-value hashes were about the best we could do, but references allow

my %personal_info = (     "Cleaver", {         "FIRST",  "Ward",         "SPOUSE", "June",     },     "Flintstone", {         "FIRST",  "Fred",         "SPOUSE", "Wilma",     },     "Bunker", {         "FIRST",  "Archie",         "SPOUSE", "Edith",     }, ); 

Internally, the keys and values of %personal_info are all scalars, but the values are a special kind of scalar: hash references, created with {}. The references allow us to simulate "multi-dimensional" hashes. For example, we can get to Wilma via


Note that Perl allows us to omit arrows between subscripts, so the above is equivalent to


That's a lot of typing if you want to know more about Fred, so you might grab a reference as sort of a cursor:

$fred = $personal_info{Flintstone}; print "Fred's wife is $fred->{SPOUSE}\n"; 

Because $fred in the snippet above is a hashref, the arrow is necessary. If you leave it out but wisely enabled use strict to help you catch these sorts of errors, the compiler will complain:

Global symbol "%fred" requires explicit package name at ... 

Perl references are similar to pointers in C and C++, but they can never be null. Pointers in C and C++ require dereferencing and so do references in Perl.

C and C++ function parameters have pass-by-value semantics: they're just copies, so modifications don't get back to the caller. If you want to see the changes, you have to pass a pointer. You can get this effect with references in Perl:

sub add_barney {     my($personal_info) = @_;      $personal_info->{Rubble} = {         FIRST  => "Barney",         SPOUSE => "Betty",     }; }  add_barney \%personal_info; 

Without the backslash, add_barney would have gotten a copy that's thrown away as soon as the sub returns.

Note also the use of the "fat comma" (=>) above. It autoquotes the string on its left and makes hash initializations less syntactically noisy.

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Greg Bacon Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 15:10

Greg Bacon

The following demonstrates how you can use a hash and a hash reference:

my %hash = (     toy    => 'aeroplane',     colour => 'blue', ); print "I have an ", $hash{toy}, " which is coloured ", $hash{colour}, "\n";  my $hashref = \%hash; print "I have an ", $hashref->{toy}, " which is coloured ", $hashref->{colour}, "\n"; 

Also see perldoc perldsc.

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Alan Haggai Alavi Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10

Alan Haggai Alavi