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How can I run a Perl script as a system daemon in linux?

What's a simple way to get a Perl script to run as a daemon in linux?

Currently, this is on CentOS. I'd want it to start up with the system and shutdown with the system, so some /etc/rc.d/init.d integration would also be nice, but I could always add a custom line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

like image 889
jedihawk Avatar asked Apr 19 '09 23:04


People also ask

How do I run a pearl script in Unix?

at the top of your perl script, mark the script as executable with the UNIX chmod command, and execute the perl program by simply typing its name at a UNIX prompt.

How do I run a Perl command in a shell script?

The first line tells the system that this is a shell (/bin/sh) script. The next line tells the shell to execute the perl command with the –x and –S options. The $0 variable is the name of the program and ${1+"$@"} is a magic string that passes the command line arguments from the shell to the perl command.

1 Answers

The easiest way is to use Proc::Daemon.

#!/usr/bin/perl  use strict; use warnings; use Proc::Daemon;  Proc::Daemon::Init;  my $continue = 1; $SIG{TERM} = sub { $continue = 0 };  while ($continue) {      #do stuff } 

Alternately you could do all of the things Proc::Daemon does:

  1. Fork a child and exits the parent process.
  2. Become a session leader (which detaches the program from the controlling terminal).
  3. Fork another child process and exit first child. This prevents the potential of acquiring a controlling terminal.
  4. Change the current working directory to "/".
  5. Clear the file creation mask.
  6. Close all open file descriptors.

Integrating with the runlevel system is easy. You need a script like the following (replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with the Perl script's name, YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY with a description of what it does, and /path/to with path to the Perl script) in /etc/init.d. Since you are using CentOS, once you have the script in /etc/init.d, you can just use chkconfig to turn it off or on in the various runlevels.

#!/bin/bash # # XXXXXXXXXXXX This starts and stops XXXXXXXXXXXX # # chkconfig: 2345 12 88 # description: XXXXXXXXXXXX is YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY # processname: XXXXXXXXXXXX # pidfile: /var/run/XXXXXXXXXXXX.pid ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: $XXXXXXXXXXXX ### END INIT INFO  # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions  binary="/path/to/XXXXXXXXXXXX"  [ -x $binary ] || exit 0  RETVAL=0  start() {     echo -n "Starting XXXXXXXXXXXX: "     daemon $binary     RETVAL=$?     PID=$!     echo     [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/XXXXXXXXXXXX      echo $PID > /var/run/XXXXXXXXXXXX.pid }  stop() {     echo -n "Shutting down XXXXXXXXXXXX: "     killproc XXXXXXXXXXXX     RETVAL=$?     echo     if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then         rm -f /var/lock/subsys/XXXXXXXXXXXX         rm -f /var/run/XXXXXXXXXXXX.pid     fi }  restart() {     echo -n "Restarting XXXXXXXXXXXX: "     stop     sleep 2     start }  case "$1" in     start)         start     ;;     stop)         stop     ;;     status)         status XXXXXXXXXXXX     ;;     restart)         restart     ;;     *)         echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"     ;; esac  exit 0 
like image 138
Chas. Owens Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Chas. Owens