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What to do when autofilter in VBA returns no data?

I am trying to filter a range of values and based on my criteria, at times I might have no data that fits my criteria. In that case, I do not want to copy any data from the filtered data. If there is filtered data, then I would like to copy it.

Here is my code:

With Workbooks(KGRReport).Worksheets(spreadSheetName).Range("A1:I" & lastrowinSpreadSheet)
    .AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=LimitCriteria, Operator:=xlFilterValues 'Do the filtering for Limit
     .AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=UtilizationCriteria, Operator:=xlFilterValues 'Do the filtering for Bank/NonBank
End With

'Clear the template
 Workbooks(mainwb).Worksheets("Template").Rows(7 & ":" & Rows.Count).Delete

 'Copy the filtered data
 Set myRange = Workbooks(KGRReport).Worksheets(spreadSheetName).Range("B2:H" & lastrowinSpreadSheet).SpecialCells(xlVisible)
 For Each myArea In myRange.Areas
     For Each rw In myArea.Rows
           strFltrdRng = strFltrdRng & rw.Address & ","

 strFltrdRng = Left(strFltrdRng, Len(strFltrdRng) - 1)
 Set myFltrdRange = Range(strFltrdRng)
 strFltrdRng = ""

It is giving me an error at

Set myRange = Workbooks(KGRReport).Worksheets(spreadSheetName).Range("B2:H" & lastrowinSpreadSheet).SpecialCells(xlVisible)

When there is no data at all, it is returning an error: "No cells found".

Tried error handling like this post: 1004 Error: No cells were found, easy solution?

But it was not helping. Need some guidance on how to solve this.

like image 795
lakshmen Avatar asked Apr 12 '16 02:04


People also ask

How do I fix auto filter in Excel?

Filter not working in Excel To fix this, simply re-apply filter. If that does not help and your Excel filters are still not working, clear all filters in a spreadsheet, and then apply them anew. If your dataset contains any blank rows, manually select the entire range using the mouse, and then apply autofilter.

How do I use AutoFilter in VBA?

AutoFilter in VBA is which we can use as an expression. The syntax for it is as follows: Expression. Autofilter(Field, Criteria 1, Operator, Criteria 2, Dropdown) all of the arguments are optional. The filter helps filter the particular data from the huge data.

How do you clear AutoFilter?

Clear All Filters Select a cell in the table. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab, and in the Sort & Filter group, click Clear. Note: This will also clear the Sort options that you have applied.

1 Answers

Try error handling like so:

Dim myRange As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set myRange = Range("your range here").SpecialCells(xlVisible)
On Error GoTo 0

If myRange Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "no cells"
    'do stuff
End If
like image 185
brettdj Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
