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Excel VBA - Check whether a filtered table returns any results




I have a macro that filters a table (in the code as a ListObject) and then copies the visible cells in the DataBodyRange to a seperate table. The code works fine unless the filtering action removes all the data (i.e. the table only has the header row and nothing else).

Is there a neat way to check whether any rows are visible? I'd like to avoid on error resume terms if possible, I'm struggling to think of any other way though?

I've included some pseudocode below to illustrate what I mean, any assistance would be much appreciated!


If TargetTable.DataBodyRange.VisibleRows.Count > 0 Then
    TargetTable.DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=OutputPasteRange
End If
like image 998
AdamDynamic Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 15:04


1 Answers

Use the Table's Range object, not the DataBodyRange. Then, check to make sure that .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Rows.Count > 1.

Sub TestEmptyTable()
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim outputPasteRange As Range
Dim tblIsVisible As Boolean

Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
Set outputPasteRange = Range("B15")

If tbl.Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Areas.Count > 1 Then
    tblIsVisible = True
    tblIsVisible = tbl.Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Rows.Count > 1
End If

If tblIsVisible Then
    tbl.DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

    MsgBox tbl.Name & " has been filtered to no visible records", vbInformation

End If

End Sub
like image 80
David Zemens Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

David Zemens