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Dynamically call a macro passing parameters from shape OnAction property

Well, my problem is that I have created a VBA Sub that receives an excel Cell reference and 2 text values and a Variant as parameter.

Sub CreateButton(oCell, sLabel, sOnClickMacro, oParameters)

This Sub succeeds in creating a button over the oCell but I must send a parameter to the Macro what is the best way to achieve that ?

If have digged some ways that doesn't worked and also others dirty that dont make me fill confortable

With the help given I managed to resolve the problem, I'm putting down here a simpler working solution for that

Sub Button_Click(sText)
    MsgBox "Message: " & sText
End Sub

Sub Test_Initiallize()
    Dim oCell
    Dim oSheet
    Dim oShape

    Set oCell = Range("A1")
    Set oSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)

    For Each oShape In oSheet.Shapes

    Set oShape = oSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, oCell.Left, oCell.Top,     oCell.Width, oCell.Height)

    oShape.TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Click Me"
    oShape.OnAction = "'Button_Click ""Hello World""'"
End Sub
like image 461
Roger Barreto Avatar asked Aug 17 '13 00:08

Roger Barreto

2 Answers

You can assign a string to OnAction that has the sub to call followed by its arguments (note the whole string wrapped in single quotes)


Shape.OnAction = "'SubToCallOnAction ""Hello World!""'"

Sub SubToCallOnAction(text As String)

    MsgBox text

End Sub

Numeric arguments don't need the quotes (though they will be passed in via Number -> default string conversion -> default number conversion)

So, I guess, what you are wanting to do is pass in the name of the button that was clicked:

Shape.OnAction = "'SubToCallOnAction """ & Shape.Name & """'"

More advanced and flexible usage could be something like:

'Set the button up like:
databaseTable = "tbl_ValidAreas"
databaseField = "Country"
Shape.OnAction = _
    "'SubToCallOnAction """ & _
    Shape.Name & """ """ & _
    databaseTable & """ """ & 
    databaseField & """'"

Sub SubToCallOnAction(buttonID As String, ParamArray args)

    Select Case buttonID
        Case "button1"
            'get the relevant data or whatever using the ParamArray args
            Call GetData(args(0),args(1))
    End Select

End Sub
like image 103
Cor_Blimey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09


-- For people who find this page in 2016+ --

Cor_Blimey's solution doesn't work in Excel 2003. You have to add commas instead of blanks between the arguments, like so:

Shape.OnAction = _
    "'SubToCallOnAction """ & _
    Shape.Name & """,""" & _
    databaseTable & """,""" & 
    databaseField & """'
like image 21
LePatay Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09
