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What should put in the license field of package.json if my code is only for use by the company I work for?

People also ask

Which fields are the most important in your package json?

name — This is the most important and required field in the package. json file. This should represent the name of the project.

What is npm license?

The NPM license is based on a number of items to monitor. Each license tier number provides the maximum limit of nodes, interfaces, and volumes to manage and monitor. Orion Platform products support both perpetual licenses and subscription licenses. See License types in the Orion Platform help for details.

Can you add custom fields to package json?

Yes, you're allowed to add custom entries to package. json .

UNLICENSED is now a valid license option in npm. This is not the same as "The Unlicense".

at the time of writing UNLICENSED (see the code sample in the question) was not an option please see jcollumns answer

Adding private to package.json will help:

"private": true

On the second column of the table found on this link, https://spdx.org/licenses/, you can see all the different SPDX format to used in your package.json.

The name of the column is Identifier just in case. Thanks and hope it helps.