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Fixing npm path in Windows 8 and 10




People also ask

Where is node JS path in Windows?

Installation on Windows By default, the installer uses the Node. js distribution in C:\Program Files\nodejs. The installer should set the C:\Program Files\nodejs\bin directory in window's PATH environment variable.

How do I find the npm path?

Globally installed npm packages location The easiest way to know where the global modules are installed is to run the npm list -g command. On macOS computers, npm will be installed under /usr/local/bin/npm soft link path. The actual path to the npm package is under /usr/local/lib/node_modules .

How do I install npm files on Windows 10?

For Node. js projects, the easiest way to install npm packages is through the npm package installation window. To access this window, right-click the npm node in the project and select Install New npm Packages. In this window you can search for a package, specify options, and install.

You need to Add C:\Program Files\nodejs to your PATH environment variable. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Use the global Search Charm to search "Environment Variables"
  2. Click "Edit system environment variables"
  3. Click "Environment Variables" in the dialog.
  4. In the "System Variables" box, search for Path and edit it to include C:\Program Files\nodejs. Make sure it is separated from any other paths by a ;.

You will have to restart any currently-opened command prompts before it will take effect.

get the path from npm:

npm config get prefix

and just as a future reference, this is the path I added in Windows 10:



If you want to add it for all users just add the following path [by @glenn-lawrence from the comments]:


I have used the cmdlet and navigate to the path you want to switch your npm files to. Type in npm root -g to see what the current path your npm is installed to. Next use npm config set prefix and your npm path will be changed to whatever directory you are currently on.

Go to control panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings then environment variables.

From here find the path variable, Go to the end of the line and paste "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin" (change the path to the directory to where ever you installed it e.g. if you specifically installed it anywhere change it)

Try this one dude if you're using windows:

1.) Search environment variables at your start menu's search box.
2.) Click it then go to Environment Variables...
3.) Click PATH, click Edit
4.) Click New and try to copy and paste this: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin

If you got an error. Do the number 4.) Click New, then browse the bin folder

  • You may also Visit this link for more info.

Edit the System environment variables, and enter following path:

C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe;
