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What should I use in Prism- MEF or Unity?





Found several good(related) questions here and here but all are nearly a year old.

I will like to know in the current context of Prism development what is better or at least scenario where each is better.

like image 641
Sachin Chavan Avatar asked Sep 17 '10 13:09

Sachin Chavan

1 Answers

They are two approaches to solving some-what overlapping scenarios.

Unity shines when you are developing a modular application where users will be using a subset of the modules and modules are self-contained.

MEF shines when you have a lot of 3rd party developers creating plug-ins for your application - or several development teams publishing plugins.

We started out with Prism for core functionality and will be adding MEF for Widget-type functionality later - the idea being that border-line/customerspecific functionality will be delivered in MEF-plugins.

Both frameworks are really easy to get started with (MEF probably a bit 'simpler' from the get-go).

In my oppinion it really depends more on how your development strategy is structured rather than the application in question.

like image 173
Goblin Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
