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What libraries can I use to build a GUI with Erlang?

What libraries can I use to build a GUI for an Erlang application? Please one option per answer.

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givanse Avatar asked Sep 18 '08 22:09


People also ask

Which library is used for GUI?

Tkinter. Tkinter is one of the most popular GUI libraries in Python. It is one of the first choices for beginners to GUI development because of its simple and easy-to-learn syntax. Tkinter provides diverse widgets such as labels, buttons, text fields, checkboxes, and scroll buttons.

Which platform is best for GUI?

1–PyQt5. PyQt5 is a very well-known GUI framework used by both Python coders and UI designers. One of its components, the PyQt package, is built around the Qt framework, which is a leading cross-platform GUI design tool for just about any kind of application.

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Introduction. The standard graphical user interface (GUI) for Ruby is Tk. Tk started out as the GUI for the Tcl scripting language developed by John Ousterhout. Tk has the unique distinction of being the only cross-platform GUI.

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List of Best Python GUI Libraries 1. PyQT5. PyQT5 is a graphical user interface (GUI) framework for Python. It is very popular among developers and the... 2. Python Tkinter. Another GUI framework is called Tkinter. Tkinter is one of the most popular Python GUI libraries for... 3. PySide 2. The third ...

How do I build a GUI application on embedded Linux?

There’re over a dozen free and commercial solutions to build GUI applications on Embedded Linux. In some cases, it’s best to rely on the tools provided by the board vendor e.g. TouchGFX is bundled for free as part of the STM32 ecosystem. But most libraries can be configured to support commonly available boards like the Raspberry Pi or Arduino.

What is an open source GUI library?

An open-source GUI (MIT license) C library designed for deployment on the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. It can also be deployed on other supported boards. To deploy it on embedded Linux, your board will need to support SDL 1.2 (uses Linux framebuffer) or SDL2 (uses OpenGL).

What is the open source GUI for embedded systems?

It’s an open-source embedded GUI library that is written in C (with C++ compatibility) and is released under the MIT license. It’s optimized for deployment on micro-controllers and bare metal (no OS) devices but it can be configured to run on Embedded Linux boards.

2 Answers

For GUI application in Erlang you should use wxErlang which is included in the r13b release. The beta has been around on source for some time but is now, since r13a, included in the main OTP release.

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psyeugenic Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10


Most people don't code the actual GUI in Erlang. A more common approach would be to write the GUI layer in Java or C# and then talk to your Erlang app via a socket or pipe.

With that in mind, you probably want to look into various libraries for doing RPC between java or .Net applications and Erlang:



EDIT If you're truly set on coding an interface in erlang, you might consider doing a web-based GUI served via Yaws, the erlang web server: http://yaws.hyber.org/appmods.yaws

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bmdhacks Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 01:10
